Help > Forum > Users > Sending a welcome email to new users

Sending a welcome email to new users

You can have a welcome email automatically sent to new users who sign up on your forum by following the directions below:

  1. Log in to your Website Toolbox account.
  2. Click the Settings link.
  3. Click the Notifications link.
  4. Next to the Welcome Email option, click the Compose a Welcome Email link.
  5. Specify the text for your welcome email.
  6. Save your settings.

You can leave the Welcome Email option text box blank if you'd rather not send any welcome email to users.

If you have enabled the Email Address Verification or Approve New Users options, the user would receive the welcome email after they have verified their email address and are approved. If those options are not enabled, the user would receive the welcome email immediately after creating a new account.

The welcome email is not sent when a new user is added through the Users -> New User or Users -> Import sections of the admin area.

Alternatively, you can show a welcome message on the forum home page or create a pinned topic and then lock the topic.

If you still need help, please contact us.