Help > Forum > Domain Name > Adding a CNAME record

Adding a CNAME record

A CNAME, or Canonical Name, record is an entry within the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies where a user can find your web pages, or any other URL. You'll use this to associate your subdomain with Website Toolbox.

After signing up your domain, decide what subdomain you would like to use. E.g.,, Then you'll create a corresponding CNAME record for that address, associating it with Keep in mind that changes to DNS records may take up to 4 hours to take effect.

Each hosting service has slightly different ways to create CNAME records. Guidelines are provided here for some of the common services. When in doubt, check with the particular company you're using for additional help or instructions. If you're not sure who your host is, see Identify your domain host. If your hosting provider isn't listed here, use these general instructions.

Need help? Contact Customer Support and we can set up your subdomain for you. Be sure to provide your username and password for your account with your domain name provider or a screenshot of their DNS Settings page.

Follow the steps within Troubleshoot CNAME records to check your CNAME record once you create it. CNAME records

  1. Log in to
  2. Visit the DNS Zone Info page.
  3. Add a new CNAME record.
  4. For Host/Name/Alias, enter the subdomain of your choice. For example, forum.
  5. For Points to/Destination/Value, enter
  6. Save your changes.

There is also a reference support article at with more information.

Adobe Business Catalyst CNAME records

  1. Log into your Adobe Business Catalyst admin area.
  2. Click Site Settings
  3. Click Site Domains
  4. Click More Actions
  5. Click New CNAME Record
  6. For Hostname, enter the subdomain of your choice. For example, forum.
  7. For Points to, enter
  8. Click the Save.

Amazon Web Services CNAME records

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Select the Route 53 service. Click the Create Hosted Zone button and supply the domain name you are configuring.
  3. The CNAME record are added in Route 53 as Record Sets. Select the newly created hosted zone for your domain and click on the Go to Record Sets button.
  4. In the Record Sets view click the Create Record Set button.
  5. This will display a form to specify a new record. Select the CNAME for Type.
  6. For Name, enter the subdomain of your choice. For example, forum.
  7. For Value, enter
  8. Click the Create Record Set at the bottom of the form to save the CNAME record mapping.

1&1 CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. If it's not already selected, click the Administration tab.
  3. Click Domains. The Domain Overview page appears.
  4. From the New drop-down menu, select Create Subdomain. (If you've already created a subdomain for Website Toolbox, skip to step six.)
  5. Enter only the subdomain you want to use, and click OK. For example, if you chose for your subdomain, you should enter forum here.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the subdomain that you will be using. (Example:
  7. From the DNS menu, select Edit DNS Settings.
  8. Click the radio button next to CNAME.
  9. Enter next to Alias.
  10. Click OK.

123-reg CNAME records

  1. Log in to your 123-reg control panel
  2. Have a look in the Domains section section.
  3. Select your domain name using the drop-down menu and then click on the Manage button.
  4. In the advanced domain settings menu, click Manage DNS .
  5. Now click on the Advanced DNS tab.
  6. For Hostname, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  7. In the drop down, select CNAME.
  8. For Destination CNAME, enter
  9. Click Add

For reference, a support article is also available from 123-reg. CNAME records

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Log in at
  3. Select My Services.
  4. Select Domain Management and then select the DNS Manager application.
  5. Edit your zone file as required.
  6. Click the "Next" button to complete the operation.
  7. Allow 24 - 72 hours for DNS propagation.

There is also a reference support article at with more information.

Blacknight CNAME records

  1. Sign in to your account at:
  2. Click Registered Domains.
  3. Select Manage DNS for the domain you are trying to verify.
  4. Click the DNS tab.
  5. Click the DNS Records tab.
  6. Select Add New DNS Record.
  7. In the pulldown menu for DNS Record Type, select CNAME.
  8. Enter your CNAME in the field marked Domain.
  9. Enter the address you wish the CNAME to point to in the field marked Canonical Name. For example: - pointing to
  10. Click Finish.

Bluehost CNAME records

  1. Log into your Bluehost Account.Hosting LoginHosting Login
  2. Click the domains link at the Top of the account.The Domains link.The Domains link.
  3. Click the "zone editor" link.The Zone Editor link.The Zone Editor link.
  4. Scroll down to the heading named "Add DNS Record"The Add DNS record form.The Add DNS record form.
  5. In the "Host Record" field, enter the desired record name. For example, forum.
  6. Leave the "TTL" field at it's default setting
  7. Select CNAME, from the drop-down labeled "Type"
  8. In the "Points To" field, enter
  9. Click on the"Add Record" button to create the record

For your reference, here is a support article on Bluehost with screenshots and further details.

Brilliant Directories CNAME records

  1. Log into your Brilliant Directories account.
  2. Login to cPanel by going to Developer Hub » cPanel Dashboard.
  3. Once logged in to cPanel at find a search bar at the top, type "DNS" then click on "Zone Editor".
  4. Then click on "Manage".
  5. Click on the down arrow icon next to "Add Record" and select CNAME.
  6. When adding the record, use the following information:

    Type: CNAME

    Name: forum (Or whatever you chose as your subdomain. It will automatically append your domain name to the text you enter after clicking away from this field, which is the desired functionality.)

    TTL: 3600


For your reference, here is a support article on Brilliant Directories with screenshots and further details.

CloudFlare CNAME records

  1. Log into your CloudFlare account at
  2. Select your domain.
  3. Click the DNS link at the top of the page.
  4. Add the CNAME record.

    Select CNAME as the Type.

    Enter the subdomain you would like to use in the first textbox. For example, forum.

    Enter in the second textbox.

    Turn the cloud icon gray (not orange) so that caching is turned off since your forum has dynamic content.

  5. Click Add Record

If you used www as your subdomain (ie: points to your forum), follow these additional steps to set up forwarding for your root domain. For example, would forward to so that the forum is shown whether the user went to or

  1. Log into your CloudFlare account at
  2. Select your domain.
  3. Click the Page Rules link at the top of the page.
  4. Click Create Page Rule.
  5. For If the URL matches, enter* (where "" is replaced by your domain name, without the www part.)
  6. Click Add a Setting
  7. Select Forwarding URL.
  8. Select 301 - Permanent Redirect.
  9. Enter$1 (where "" is replaced by your domain name, without the www part.)
  10. Click Save and Deploy.

You can also review the help article on Cloudflare related to setting up URL forwarding.

DNSimple CNAME records

  1. Log in to your DNSimple account.
  2. On the dashboard, click the DNS icon next to the domain you want to modify.
  3. Click "Add Record" and select "CNAME".
  4. For the Name field, enter the subdomain you'd like to use for your forum. For example, "forum".
  5. For the Content/Value field, enter (With the period at the end.)
  6. Click Submit to save your changes.

You can also review the help article on DNSimple related to setting up DNS records.

DNS Made Easy CNAME records

  1. Follow instructions on the DNS Made Easy website for adding a CNAME record.
  2. You'll choose to Map an FQDN to an external domain.
  3. For the Name field, enter the subdomain you'd like to use for your forum. For example, "forum".
  4. For the Alias To field, enter (With the period at the end.)
  5. Click Submit to save your changes.

Register365 CNAME records

  1. Follow instructions on the Register365 website for adding a CNAME record.
  2. Choose to create a new CNAME record.
  3. For the Name/Host/Alias field, enter the subdomain you'd like to use for your forum. For example, "forum".
  4. For the Points To/Destination/Value field, enter
  5. Save your changes.

DNS Park CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at DNS Park.
  2. On the left side, click DNS Hosting.
  3. Click the domain you'd like to use.
  4. Since DNS Park is your hosting service, and not your domain registrar, be sure that your domain points to DNS Park's nameservers. This will allow your CNAME record configuration to take effect.
  5. Click Alias Records.
  6. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use with the name in the Host Name field and the value in the Destination Name field. Refer to the table below:

  7. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  8. Click Add Alias. CNAME records

  1. Visit the DigitalOcean website.
  2. Login to the DigitalOcean Control Panel.
  3. Go to the DNS Zone.
  4. Create new record.
  5. In the Host Record field, enter www
  6. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  7. Select CNAME as the entry type for your application, from the drop-down labelled Type.
  8. In the IS AN ALIAS OF field, enter
  9. Click on the Create Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at DigitalOcean with more information.

Domain.Com CNAME records

  1. Visit the Domain.Com website.
  2. Log in to your Domain.Com Control Panel.
  3. Go to Domain Central.
  4. Click on the domain you want to edit.
  5. Click on DNS.
  6. From Modify, select CNAME Records.
  7. Enter www in the Host.
  8. In the Points To field, enter
  9. Click Add. A confirmation message will be displayed.

There is also a reference support article at with more information. CNAME records

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Log in to your Dotster Control Panel.
  3. Go to Domain Central
  4. Click on the domain you want to edit.
  5. Click DNS.
  6. From Modify, select CNAME Records.
  7. For Host enter the sub domain that you want to point.
  8. For Points to enter
  9. Click Add. A confirmation message will be displayed.

There is also a reference support article at with more information.

DreamHost CNAME records

  1. Log in to your DreamHost account at
  2. Click Manage Domains in the Toolbox on the upper left.
  3. Select the DNS link underneath the domain you want to set up.
  4. Click Add a custom DNS Record near the top of the page.
  5. Enter the Name. For example, if you picked as your address, enter forum.
  6. Select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  7. Enter as the Value.
  8. Click Add Record Now.

There is also a reference support article at DreamHost with more information.

DreamHost CNAME records

  1. Log in to your DreamHost account at
  2. Click Manage Domains in the Toolbox on the upper left.
  3. Select the DNS link underneath the domain you want to set up.
  4. Click Add a custom DNS Record near the top of the page.
  5. Enter the Name. For example, if you picked as your address, enter forum.
  6. Select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  7. Enter as the Value.
  8. Click Add Record Now.

Dyn CNAME records

  1. Log in to your Dyn account, locate the My Services option.
  2. Locate the Zone you wish to add a record to, and click on Dyn Standard DNS Service to the right of the zone?s name.
  3. When you click the Add Alias (CNAME) button, a new box will come up prompting for Hostname, and Alias To.
  4. For Hostname, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  5. For Alias To, enter
  6. Click Create Record. CNAME records

  1. Visit the Dynadot website.
  2. Log in to your Dynadot account.
  3. Select My Domains from the left-side menu bar and click Manage Domains in the drop-down.
  4. Check the box next to the domain name(s) and select DNS Settings from the Bulk action drop-down menu.
  5. On the new page, select the Custom DNS option from the drop-down menu.
  6. In the Domain Record (required) section at the top, select Forward as the record type and enter as the Target Host.
  7. Under the Subdomain Record (optional) field, enter www as the subdomain, select CNAME as the record type and enter the CNAME record given to you.
  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save DNS button to save your changes.
  9. Check the checkbox next to your domain, then click Set Name Server.

There is also a reference support article at with more information.

EuroDNS CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click My Domains in the My Domains menu on the left side of the page. A table listing your domains should appear.
  3. Click the DNS column on the row of the domain you wish to change. The DNS records for your domain should now be displayed. Enter your CNAME record using the example below:

  4. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  5. Click the Save Settings button.

EveryDNS CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. On the left side, click the domain you'd like to use with Google Apps for Your Domain.
  3. Since is your hosting service, and not your domain registrar, be sure that your domain points to's nameservers. This will allow your CNAME record configuration to take effect.
  4. Below Add a Record:, you can create your CNAME record.
  5. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use with the name in the Fully Qualified Domain Name field and the value in the Record Value field. Refer to the table below:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  7. Select CNAME as the Record Type.
  8. Click Add Record. CNAME records

  1. Visit the FastDomain website.
  2. Login to your FastDomain Control Panel.
  3. Click the Domains at the top of the account.
  4. Click the Zone Editor.
  5. Scroll down to the heading named Add DNS Record
  6. In the Host Record field, enter www
  7. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  8. Select CNAME as the entry type for your application, from the drop-down labeled Type.
  9. In the Points To field, enter
  10. Click on the Add Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at FastDomain with more information.

Freenom CNAME records

  1. Visit the Freenom website.
  2. Log in to the Freenom Admin panel
  3. Click the Services link and select My domains.
  4. Click the Manage Domain in front of the domain name you want to use.
  5. Click the Manage Freenon DNS.
  6. Type www for the Name tab.
  7. Choose CNAME from the type.
  8. Type in the target.
  9. Click Save Changes. CNAME records

  1. Visit the Hostinger website.
  2. Log in to the Hostinger cPanel account.
  3. Go to Home > Hosting > Account-Name > Advanced > DNS Zone Editor.
  4. Click the Add New under CNAME (Alias).
  5. In the Host, enter www.
  6. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  7. In the Points To field, enter
  8. Click on the Add Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at Hostinger website with more information. CNAME records

  1. Visit the HostMonster website.
  2. Log in to your HostMonster cPanel account.
  3. Click the Domains at the top of the account.
  4. Click the Zone Editor.
  5. Scroll down to the heading named Add DNS Record
  6. In the Host Record field, enter the desired record name. For example, forum.
  7. Leave the TTL field as it's default setting.
  8. Select CNAME as the entry type, from the drop-down labelled Type.
  9. In the Points To field, enter
  10. Click on the Add Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at with more information. CNAME records

  1. Visit the HostPapa website.
  2. Log in to your HostPapa dashboard.
  3. Click on My Domains.
  4. Locate the domain you wish to update and click to display its details.
  5. Click the DNS Zone Editor tab.
  6. Select CNAME from the Type drop down.
    Note: If you don’t see the record you need to edit, please contact HostPapa Support team.
  7. In the next field down, enter the required record data.
    Note: The name of this second field will change depending on the type of DNS record you selected in the first step.
  8. Click the Add New Record button. Your DNS record is saved.

There is also a reference support article at HostPapa with more information.

GoDaddy CNAME records

  1. Log in to your Website Toolbox account.
  2. Click Settings in the navigation menu.
  3. Click Domain.
  4. Click Use existing domain.
  5. Enter the domain you'd like to use and press Continue.
  6. Click the Connect Automatically button.
  7. If you aren't already logged in to GoDaddy, you'll be asked to log in.
  8. Press the button to confirm that you'd like to connect your domain to Website Toolbox.
  9. Your domain will automatically be connected and you'll be redirected back to Website Toolbox.
  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Domain.
  3. Click Manage DNS next to the domain you want to connect your forum to.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Rype drop down, select CNAME.
  6. In the Name text box, enter the URL prefix you'd like to use. For example: forum, community, tribe, support, discussion, etc.
  7. In the Value text box, enter
  8. In the TTL drop down, leave it set to default.
  9. Click Add Record.

If you used www as your Name/Host/Alias, follow these additional steps to setup forwarding for your root domain. For example, would forward to so that the forum is shown whether the user went to or

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Domain.
  3. Click Forward Domain next to the domain you want to connect your forum to.
  4. Next to Domains, click Manage.
  5. In the Forward To Any Site text box, enter your forum domain name with https://www. For example:
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. Click the Finish button.

Not that forwarded domain names can take up to 24-48 hours to activate.

Google Domains CNAME records

  1. Log in to your Website Toolbox account.
  2. Click Settings in the navigation menu.
  3. Click Domain.
  4. Click Use existing domain.
  5. Enter the domain you'd like to use and press Continue.
  6. Click the Connect Automatically button.
  7. If you aren't already logged in to Google, you'll be asked to log in.
  8. Press the button to confirm that you'd like to connect your domain to Website Toolbox.
  9. Your domain will automatically be connected and you'll be redirected back to Website Toolbox.
  1. To get started, go to your domains page at Google Domains by using this link. You'll be prompted to sign in. To do so:

    First, choose Sign In.

    Next, enter your log in credentials, and then again choose Sign In.

  2. On the Domains page, in the Domain section, choose Configure DNS for the domain that you want to edit.

  3. In the Custom resource records section, in the boxes for the new record, type or copy and paste the values from first row of the following table.

    (You may have to scroll down.)

    (Choose the Type value from the drop-down list. Name can be whatever subdomain you would like to use.)

  4. Choose Add.

If you used www as your Name/Host/Alias, follow these additional steps to setup forwarding for your root domain. For example, would forward to so that the forum is shown whether the user went to or

  1. Sign In to your Google Domains account.
  2. Click My domains on the left and then click the domain name.
  3. Click the DNS tab .
  4. Scroll down to Synthetic Records.
  5. Select Subdomain forward from the list of synthetic record types.
  6. Add a synthetic record. Type will be "Subdomain forward". Subdomain will be "@". Destination will be the full address to your forum. For example,
  7. Select Permanent (HTTP 301) for the type of redirect.
  8. Turn on path forwarding.
  9. Click Add and accept the changes to your resource record.

There is also a reference support article at Google with more information.

Not that forwarded domain names can take up to 24-48 hours to activate.

Hostgator CNAME records

  1. Log in to your HostGator account
  2. Navigate to Domains
  3. Click on Simple DNS Zone Editor
  4. Add a CNAME Record
  5. For Name, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  6. Enter for CNAME
  7. Click Add CNAME Record

Hostway CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. In SiteControl, click the Domain Name icon under Manage Services.
  3. In the Domain Names page section, click Edit.
  4. In the Summary page scroll down and click Advanced DNS settings.
  5. In the Source field of the Add a New Resource Record section, enter the name of the record, such as forum or forum.
  6. Use the dropdown menu next to it to select CNAME as the type of record.
  7. In the Destination field, enter the location as to which the new record will point.
    NOTE: For all CNAME, MX and NS types, you must end it with a dot.
  8. Keep in mind that this new record will be a third-level domain.
  9. Click Add Now.
  10. Assuming the destination exists and is already online, then the new record should take about four to six hours to update.

Hover CNAME records

  1. Sign into your account at:
  2. Select the domain.
  3. Go to the DNS tab.
  4. Click Add Record.
  5. Select CNAME from the pulldown menu.
  6. Enter your CNAME record using the table below:

  7. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  8. Click Save.

InMotion Hosting CNAME records

  1. Log in to InMotion Central.
  2. Click the Domains link in the main menu.
  3. In the DNS Management section, click the Edit DNS link next to the domain you want to edit.
  4. Click the blue +Add button.
  5. Add a record with the following information:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

There is also a reference support article at InMotion Hosting website with more information. CNAME records

  1. Visit the iPage website.
  2. Log in to the iPage Control Panel.
  3. Go to Domain Central.
  4. Click the domain you want to edit.
  5. Click the DNS link.
  6. Click the Add.
  7. Select CNAME from the drop down.
  8. In the Host field, enter www.
  9. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  10. In the Points To field, enter
  11. Click the Add Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at iPage website with more information.

IX Web Hosting CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at ix web hosting.
  2. Click Manage below the Hosting Account section.
  3. On the left side, click the domain you'd like to use with Google Apps.
  4. Next to DNS Configuration, click EDIT.
  5. Click Add DNS CNAME Record.
  6. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use with the name in the Name field and the value in the Data field. Refer to the table below:

  7. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  8. Click Submit.

JouwWeb CNAME records

  1. Sign in to your JouwWeb account.
  2. Click on the Webador logo in the top left corner of the Editor.
  3. On the My sites page, click on My subscription.
  4. On the My subscription page, you'll see an overview of domain names included with your plan - click on Modify DNS next to the domain name you want to change.
  5. Click + Add Record.
  6. Choose a CNAME record type.
  7. For Name/Host/Alias, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  8. For Points to/Destination/Value, enter
  9. Save your changes.

For reference, here is a support article on Webador explaining the same steps. CNAME records

  1. Visit the justHost website.
  2. Log in to your justHost cPanel account.
  3. Click the Domains at the top of the account.
  4. Click the Zone Editor.
  5. Scroll down to the heading Add DNS Record.
  6. In the Host Record field, enter www.
  7. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  8. Select CNAME as the entry type from the drop-down labelled Type.
  9. In the Points To field, enter
  10. Click the Add Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at justHost with more information.

Lunarpages CNAME records

To update your CNAME records with Lunarpages, send an email describing your request to:

Media Temple CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account for your domain at Media Temple
  2. Click the domain you want to edit.
  3. Under DNS & ZONE FILES, click on Edit DNS Zone File.
  4. Click the + ADD ROW button.
  5. Add the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  7. Click Save Changes.

There is also a reference support article at Media Temple with more information.

Microsoft 365 CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account for your domain at
  2. In the admin center, go to the Settings >> Domains page.
  3. On the Domains page, select the domain and then choose DNS Records.
  4. Select + Add record.
  5. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  7. Click Save . CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account for your domain at
  2. Click on the My Services tab.
  3. Under Manage My Services, click on Manage Services.
  4. Go to Domain Overview.
  5. Click on Domain Administration.
  6. Select the domain you're using with Website Toolbox forum.
  7. Click the DNS tab, and select DNS Records.
  8. Click Add New DNS record.
  9. From the drop-down menu, select CNAME, and click Next.
  10. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  11. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  12. Click Finish. CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account for your domain at
  2. Click on the Account link at the top of the page.
  3. Log in with your Domain Name and Password.
  4. Click on the Domain Name tab.
  5. Click DNS Management in the left-hand pane.
  6. Click the Manage DNS button.
  7. Add an Alias (CNAME) record and include the value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  8. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  9. Click Save.

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click the Domain Management
  3. Click the domain you wish to create the CNAME record for
  4. Select CNAME in the Record Type menu
  5. In the Record Host field, enter only the subdomain you want to use. If you picked as your subdomain, enter forum.
  6. In the Record Answer field enter
  7. Leave the TTL at default setting.
  8. Click Add Record. CNAME records

  1. Visit the NameBright website.
  2. Log in to your NameBright Control Panel.
  3. Go to My Account.
  4. Click the Domain link.
  5. Click on the Domain(should be in blue) which you want to use.
  6. Click the Host Records.
  7. Click the Add a New host Record.
  8. Select CNAME from the drop down.
  9. In the Host field, enter www.
  10. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  11. In the Points To field, enter
  12. Click on the Add Record button to create the record.

Namecheap CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Go to My Account > Manage Domains and choose the needed domain name from the domain list.
  3. Select All host records.
  4. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  5. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  6. Click Save and you are done. CNAME records

  1. Visit the Namesilo website.
  2. Log in to your Namesilo cPanel account.
  3. Click the Manage My Domains link on the top navigation bar.
  4. Click on Domain Manager.
  5. Choose the Domain and select Manage DNS.
  6. Select the resource record type CNAME you want to create.
  7. In the Host Name field, enter www.
  8. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  9. Select CNAME from the drop-down labelled Type.
  10. In the Address/Value field, enter
  11. Click the Add Record button to create the record.

Netfirms CNAME records

  1. Log in to your Netfirms account.
  2. Click Manage on the domain you want to edit.
  3. In Card view, click on the Manage button. In List view, click on the Gear icon.
  4. Click on DNS & Nameservers in the left-hand menu.
  5. Add a new CNAME Record by clicking the blue + button. To modify an existing record, like the "www" record, choose a CNAME record from the list to edit, and click the three dots on the record you wish to edit.
  6. Enter the following:
    • Name: forum, forum, etc.
    • Type: CNAME
    • Content:
  7. Click Update DNS.

You can refer to this support article on Netfirms for more information and help.

Network Solutions CNAME records

  1. Go to and click Manage Account.
  2. Enter your user ID and password, select Manage All Services from the pulldown menu, and click Login.
  3. Click Manage Domain Names.
  4. Select the domain name to receive new DNS records and click Manage.
  5. Click Change Where Domain Points.
  6. Click Advanced DNS.
  7. Under the Host Aliases (CNAME Records) heading, click Add/Edit.
  8. Enter your CNAME records using the table below:

  9. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  10. Select the radio button to the left of the Other Host box.
  11. In the Other Host field, enter the corresponding Value/Answer/Destination from the same CNAME record values table.
  12. Click Continue.
  13. Review your changes and click Save Changes to create the CNAME record.

No-IP CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at No-IP.
  2. On the left side, click Host/Redirects.
  3. Click Manage underneath Host/Redirects.
  4. Click Add for a new entry, or click Modify and skip to step six for an existing entry.
  5. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use with the name as the host name and the value in the Target Host field. Refer to the table below:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  7. Select DNS alias CNAME at the host type.
  8. Click Modify.

NS1 CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at NS1.
  2. Navigate to DNS > Zones to view a list of zones associated with your account.
  3. Click the name of the desired zone to drill down into zone details.
  4. In the Records tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Add record.
  5. Add a CNAME record with the information shown below:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  7. Click Save Record. CNAME records

  1. Log on your Control Panel
  2. Click DNS
  3. Select Web DNS in the menu
  4. Under Personal web DNS settings, in the field for Hostname, type forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  5. Select CNAME in the dropdown menu
  6. In the field for Destination, type
  7. Click the plus (+) icon to save your settings.

Pair Domains CNAME records

  1. Log in to your Pair Domains account.
  2. Click the domain to update
  3. Click Domain Address Settings
  4. If Custom DNS is already on for your domain, you can skip this step. If you are turning on Custom DNS, read the warning, agree to the Terms of Service, and click Enable.
  5. Select CNAME (Parking) from the Add New Record menu, enter forum for Alias (or whatever domain prefix you want to use for your forum), enter for Points To, and click Add Record.

Rackspace CNAME records

  1. Log into the Cloud Control Panel at Rackspace, and from the Networking menu at the top, select Cloud DNS.
  2. Select your domain in the list, and then select Add Record under Records. Select CNAME Record for the type, and fill out the following fields accordingly.
  3. Scroll down to the Advanced Technical Settings heading, and click Edit Domain Aliases Records
  4. In the first field, enter the Host Name, Target, and Time To Live using the table below:

  5. Host Name
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    5 minutes
    Record Type

  6. Click Add Record.

There is also a reference help article at the NS1 website with more information. CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Under the My Accounts tab, click the domain that you're using with Google Apps
  3. Scroll down to the Advanced Technical Settings heading, and click Edit Domain Aliases Records
  4. In the first field, enter the Name/Host/Alias using the table below:

  5. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  6. In the second field, enter the corresponding Value/Answer/Destination using the above table.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Review your changes, and click Continue to create the CNAME record. CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account for your domain at
  2. Select the domain name to receive the new DNS record.
  3. Click Save and Edit DNS.
  4. Click + Record.
  5. From the pulldown menu, select CNAME.
  6. In the first field, enter the Name/Host/Alias using the table below:

  7. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  8. In the second field, Dados, enter the corresponding Value/Answer/Destination uisng the above table.
  9. Click Save.

Shopify CNAME records

  1. Visit the Shopify website.
  2. Log in to your Shopify account.
  3. Go to Online Store -> Domains.
  4. In the Shopify-managed domains section, click the name of the domain that you want to edit.
  5. Click DNS Settings.
  6. To add a new record, click Add custom record, select the CNAME record type, and then enter and confirm the details. To change an existing record, click Actions > Edit beside the record, and then enter and confirm the details.
  7. Use the following information:

  8. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  9. Save your changes.

There is also a reference help article at the shopify website with more information. CNAME records

  1. Visit the SiteGround website.
  2. Log in to your SiteGround cPanel account.
  3. Click the Simple DNS Zone Editor tab.
  4. Click on the drop down menu and choose the domain name for which you would like the DNS zone modified.
  5. Click the Add a CNAME Record.
  6. In the Host field, enter www, forum, or whatever subdomain you want to use.
  7. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  8. In the Points To field, enter
  9. Click the Add Record button to create the record.

There is also a reference help article at the Siteground website with more information.

Squarespace CNAME records

  1. Log in to Squarespace.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Click Manage domain settings next to the domain name you want use.
  4. Click Edit DNS.
  5. Click Add Record.
  6. In the Type drop-down menu, select CNAME.
  7. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  8. Host
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum

  9. Click the Add button.

You can also refer to this help article on Squarespace.

Terra DomÌnio CNAME records

  1. Log in to the main email account for the domain.
  2. Write a message to requesting creation of a new CNAME record or update to an existing record.
  3. Add to the message the companyís C.N.P.J. (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa JurÌdica).
  4. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  5. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  6. Send the message and await a response. CNAME records

  1. Visit the Uniregistry website.
  2. Log in to the Uniregistry account.
  3. Click Manage from the menu at the top of the page.
  4. Click on the Domain name you want to edit.
  5. Click the NS/DNS Records tab.
  6. Scroll down to the DNS Records section and click the New Record button.
  7. Select CNAME from the drop-down labeled Type.
  8. In the Host Name field, enter www.
  9. Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.
  10. In the Data/Value field, enter
  11. Click the Save Changes button to create the record.

There is also a reference support article at Uniregistry website with more information.

Upperlink CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. From the Domain list, click on Manage Domain DNS for the domain name you want to modify or add CNAME records.
  3. Enter the following information, using the guidelines below:
    • Under Zone Name fields change the default value to your custom CNAME (e.g. forum, forum, etc).
    • Under Zone Type select CNAME from the drop down.
    • Under Zone Value enter
  4. Click Save.

Webador CNAME records

  1. Sign in to your Webador account.
  2. Click on the Webador logo in the top left corner of the Editor.
  3. On the My sites page, click on My subscription.
  4. On the My subscription page, you'll see an overview of domain names included with your plan - click on Modify DNS next to the domain name you want to change.
  5. Click + Add Record.
  6. Choose a CNAME record type.
  7. For Name/Host/Alias, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  8. For Points to/Destination/Value, enter
  9. Save your changes.

For reference, here is a support article on Webador explaining the same steps.

Wix CNAME records

  1. Click here to sign in to your Wix account.
  2. Hover over the user panel at the top right and click Domains.
  3. Click the expand arrow next to the relevant domain.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Click Edit DNS.
  6. Click Add another next to CNAME (Aliases) or click in the Points to field of an existing CNAME record.
  7. For Host, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  8. For Points to, enter
  9. Click Save DNS.

For reference, here is a support article on Wix explaining the same steps. CNAME records

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Click My Site.
  3. Click Domains in the left menu.
  4. Click the domain name you would like to add the subdomain to.
  5. Click Name Servers and DNS.
  6. Click Edit DNS.
  7. Click DNS Records
  8. Click Add New DNS Record
  9. In the Type drop down, select CNAME.
  10. For Host, enter forum or whatever subdomain you would like to use.
  11. For Handled by, enter
  12. Click the Add New DNS Record button.

For reference, here is a support article on explaining the same steps.

Yahoo! CNAME records

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click Domain Control Panel below the domain you'd like to use with Google Apps.
  3. Click Manage Advanced DNS Settings.
  4. Click Add Record.
  5. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use with the name in the Source field and the value in the Destination field. Refer to the table below:

  6. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  7. Click Submit.

ZoneEdit CNAME records

  1. Log in in your ZoneEdit account at
  2. Click on the name of the domain name you like to add a CNAME record.
  3. Click Aliases (CNAME).
  4. Include the CNAME record value associated with your use. Refer to the table below:

  5. Name/Host/Alias
    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

  6. Save your changes.

Other hosting services

  1. Log in to your account on your hosting service's website, and go to the DNS management page.
    Since CNAME records are special Domain Name Service (DNS) records, they may be in sections such as DNS Management or Name Server Management. It's possible that you will have to enable advanced settings to create a CNAME record.
  2. Delete existing CNAME entries for the address you want to use with Website Toolbox.
    Before entering a new CNAME record to point to Website Toolbox, you should first delete any existing entries for the same alias. If you plan to transfer an existing web address to Website Toolbox, you may want to copy any content currently at that address elsewhere first.
  3. Use the information in the following table when you create your CNAME record.
    If your service requires you to enter server information directly into the DNS tables, the entry below needs to have a type CNAME associated with them.

    Your URL prefix
    Example: forum
    Record Type

If you still need help, please contact us.