Help > Forum > Themes & Appearance > Using a custom font
Using a custom font
Our platform offers various custom font styles to choose from. If you don't find the font of your choice, you can easily add a custom font style to your forum by following these steps:
- Visit Google Fonts.
- Pick the desired font.
- Click the + icon next to the font style, for example, Select Regular 400.
- Click on View selected families in the top right corner.
- Copy the code from both Font link and Font family and paste it into a text editor.
- Log into your Website Toolbox account.
- Click Integrate.
- Click HTML.
- Paste the Font link code from step 5 into the Forum Head Tag HTML Code section.
- Add the following code to the Forum Head Tag HTML Code:
- Replace the green-colored code with the Font family code copied in step 5.
- Click Save to finalize the changes.
<style> body * { font-family: ITCAvantGardeGothicBook,sans-serif !important; } </style>
- Log into your Website Toolbox account.
- Click Integrate.
- Click HTML.
- Add the following code to the Forum Head Tag HTML Code:
- Replace the FONT URL HERE in the code above with the font URL/address from your provider.
- Replace the green-colored code with the Font family in the code above.
- Click Save to finalize the changes.
<link href="FONT URL HERE" rel="stylesheet"> <style> body * { font-family: ITCAvantGardeGothicBook,sans-serif !important; } </style>
If you still need help, please contact us.