Help > General > Taking a screenshot
Taking a screenshot
At times, you may be required to take a screen shot to show customer support what you are seeing on your forum or to create instructions for performing a task on the forum.
For Windows:
You can take a full screen screenshot of your desktop by pressing the Print Screen key on your keyboard. A screenshot of one window can be taken by pressing Alt + Print Screen keys simultaneously on your keyboard.
To take a screen shot of your forum, please follow the steps given below:
- Make sure your screen displays exactly what you want to show in your screenshot image.
- Simultaneously press and hold down the Alt + Print Screen keys. This would copy the screenshot image to the clipboard.
- You can then paste the screenshot in Microsoft Paint. To open Paint, click the Start menu, click on All Programs, click on Accessories, and finally click on Paint.
- Paste the screenshot by going to the Edit menu and selecting Paste or by pressing the Ctrl + v keys simultaneously on keyboard.
- You can then save the image file.
For a more detailed description, please visit the Wiki How page.
For Mac OS X:
On Mac OS X, a user can take a screenshot of an entire screen by pressing Cmd + Shift + 3 keys simultaneously, or of a chosen area of the screen by Cmd + Shift + 4 keys simultaneously. This screenshot is saved to the user's desktop, with one PNG file per attached monitor. If the user holds down Ctrl while doing either then the screenshot will be copied to the clipboard instead.
For a more detailed description, please visit the Wiki How page.
For iPhone
- Simultaneously press and hold the power and home buttons.
- The screen will momentarily flash white.
- The screenshot will appear in your Camera Roll album.
If you still need help, please contact us.