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Searching for a post

You can search for topics or posts by entering keywords into the search box or by clicking the search icon located at the top of the page. On certain themes and devices, you may have to click the menu icon first to open the main navigation menu which contains the Search link.

You can use operators such as quotes, OR, and the negative sign to narrow your search. For example: “planet in space” OR interstellar -alien

You can search for topics or posts using tags and the username of the user who posted it. For example, if you want to search for a post created by joe which is tagged as important and has the word "report" in it, just search for: joe important report

You can perform an advanced search by clicking on the down arrow in the search box and selecting it from the menu. This allows you to fine-tune the search based on the user, categories, dates, number of replies, and more.

If you still need help, please contact us.