Help > Forum > Topics & Posts > Merging two topics

Merging two topics

You can merge two topics together by following the directions below:

  1. Log in to your forum account. (Must be a moderator or administrator account.)
  2. Browse to the topic that contains the posts you want to merge into another topic.
  3. Click the check box located at the top-right of the posts you want to move. If there is no check box, click the icon next to the Reply button towards the top of the page, click the "Select Posts" option, and then click each post you want to move. If there is also no icon, it means you haven't been assigned the appropriate moderator or administrator permission.
  4. Click the Move button located towards the bottom-right of the page.
  5. Select the option of Move Posts to Existing Topic and provide the Topic Address of an existing topic.
  6. Click the Move Posts button.

If you still need help, please contact us.