Help > Forum > Users > Facebook Connect

Facebook Connect

Allow users to log in or sign up to your forum using their Facebook accounts. Facebook Connect increases sign-ups by 35-50% and imports users' Facebook profile picture, leveraging the platform's wide reach. The Log in with Facebook button will be visible on the Log in and Sign Up screens. A separate account and profile will still be created within your forum. Facebook Connect is secure for private communities, as nothing is shared outside. To enable it, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Website Toolbox account.
  2. Click the Integrate link.
  3. Click the Single Sign On link.
  4. Check the Facebook connect option.
  5. Open the hyperlinked text Create an App on Facebook in a new tab to copy the exact data required further in this setup.
  6. Visit the Facebook Developers section. (Note: You must be logged into your personal Facebook account to create an app. Facebook does not allow business accounts to create apps.)
  7. Click the My Apps button toward the top of the page and select Create App. (If you don't see this, please make sure you are viewing the Facebook Developers section and not the normal
  8. Enter the Display Name and click the Create App.
  9. Select None for the app type in the next pop-up and click Next.
  10. Enter the desired name in the Display name field.
  11. Click Create App button.
  12. Please reenter your password on the next pop-up and hit Submit.
  13. Click the Settings link towards the left side panel.
  14. Click the Basic link.
  15. For App Domains, enter your forum domain name without www and https://. For example:
  16. For Privacy Policy URL, enter your forum privacy page URL if you have any or your forum address. For example:
  17. Select the category as Community & Government.
  18. Scroll the page down and click the +Add Platform link and check Website on the pop up.
  19. For the Site URL, enter your forum address beginning with https://. For example:
  20. Click the Save Changes button.
  21. Click the On/Off button at the top of the page.
  22. Click the Add Product link towards the left side panel.
  23. Scroll the page down and click the Setup button under the Facebook Login option.
  24. Click the Settings link towards the left side panel.
  25. Scroll the page down and enable the Login with the JavaScript SDK option.
  26. For Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK field, enter your forum domain name without www and https://. For example:
  27. Click Save Changes.
  28. Go back to your Website Toolbox account > Integrate > Single Sign-on section.
  29. In the App ID text box, paste the App ID you copied previously.
  30. Click the Save button.

If you still need help, please contact us.