Help > Forum > Users > Allowing users to log in with Google
Allowing users to log in with Google
You can allow users to sign up and log in to your forum using their Google account. It increases sign ups by 35 to 50% because users know it will be easy to sign up or log in and it automatically imports their Google profile picture.
Your users will see a Google button on the Log in and Sign Up screens that will allow them to log in or sign up for your forum through Google. An account and profile will still be created for them on the forum and they will appear as a normal user.
Logging in with Google can safely be used on private forums since nothing is shared outside of the forum.
You can enable logging in with Google on your forum by following the instructions below:
- Visit the Google Developers section. (Note: You must be logged into your personal Google account to create an app.)
- Click on Select a project near search bar on the top.
- Click on NEW PROJECT.
- Enter any name in the Project Name.
- Click on CREATE button.
- Now select your project near search bar on the top.
- Click on OAuth consent screen in left panel.
- Select User Type as External.
- Click on CREATE button.
- Enter your App Name (i.e: Forum).
- Select your Support Email Address.
- Upload your App logo (not larger than 1MB).
- Enter your forum home page URL under the Application home page field.
- Enter your forum privacy policy URL and terms of service URLs in the respective fields. If you don't have any, enter
- Click on + ADD DOMAIN button.
- For Domain name, enter the top level of your forum domain name. For example, if your forum domain is, enter
- Enter your Developer's Email Address.
- Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button.
- In the next screen, click on ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES.
- Select and userinfo.profile.
- Scroll the page down and click on UPDATE
- Scroll the page down and click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button.
- Now go back to your Dashboard and click on Credentials in the left panel.
- Click on CREATE CREDENTIALS, then click on API Key. It will create your API key.
- Again Click on CREATE CREDENTIALS, then click on OAuth Client ID.
- In the next screen, please select Application type as Web Application.
- Scroll the page down and enter https://FORUM_DOMAIN/oauth?service=Google&action=doOauthCallback in the Authorized redirect URIs. (Replace FORUM_DOMAIN with your forum domain name.) If you have embedded the forum, log in and then view this support article to see the correct embed-friendly version of the URL you need to use.
- Click on CREATE
- Your OAuth client is created. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret.
- Log in to your Website Toolbox account.
- Click the Integrate link.
- Click the Single Sign On link.
- Check the Google option.
- In the Client ID text box, paste the Client ID you copied above at step number 29 .
- In the Client Secret text box, paste the Client Secret you copied above at step number 29.
- Click the Save button.
If you still need help, please contact us.