Embedding a forum into your Yahoo Small Business website

You can embed a forum into your Yahoo Small Business website by getting your forum embed code and then following these instructions to insert the embed code into your Yahoo Small Business website.

  1. Visit the Yahoo Small Business website.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Click the username link on the top right of the page and select My Services.
  4. Click the Edit site link under the Website Builder.
  5. Close the Pop-up to upgrade the page in case you get one.
  6. Hover over the Pages: Home link on the top left corner and click the Add a New Page link.
  7. Click the New Blank Page box.
  8. Type Forum for the Page Name and click Add page.
  9. Click the Yes Please button to add the forum link to your menu.
  10. Click the Forum menu and select Edit that appears on the top right of the page.
  11. Click the + icon to add a new section.
  12. Click the Raw(</>) icon.
  13. Click the Raw Element and select Edit Widget.
  14. Click the Code link.
  15. Remove the code in the box that appears.
  16. Copy your forum embed code.
  17. Paste it into the HTML/JavaScript block box that appears.
  18. Click Save.
  19. Click the Publish button in the top right corner of the page.
  20. Go to your website. A Forum link will now appear in the navigation of your website. Clicking that will open a page with your forum embedded in it.
  21. You can also contact us to set up Single Sign On between your forum and Yahoo Small Business for a one-time fee of $199.

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