Help > Forum > Tags > Tagging topics
Tagging topics
- Log in to your forum account.
- Click the Topics link in the navigation menu and open the topic you wish to tag.
- Hover your mouse next to the Category name.
- Click the icon.
- Type in the tag text in the Tags text box and select that text from the drop-down. If you don't see a Tags text box, ensure that your user group has the Tag Own Topics permission..
- Click Save.
- Reload the page to see the change.
- When composing a new topic, type in the tag text in the Tags text box. If you don't see a Tags text box, ensure that your user group has the Tag Own Topics permission..
- Select the text from the drop-down.
- Click the Post button.
While viewing a topic, tags associated with it are visible towards the top of the page. You can only tag topics; posts cannot be tagged.
If you still need help, please contact us.