Help > Forum > Tags > Tagging topics

Tagging topics

  1. Log in to your forum account.
  2. Click the Topics link in the navigation menu and open the topic you wish to tag.
  3. Hover your mouse next to the Category name.
  4. Click the icon.
  5. Type in the tag text in the Tags text box and select that text from the drop-down. If you don't see a Tags text box, ensure that your user group has the Tag Own Topics permission..
  6. Click Save.
  7. Reload the page to see the change.

  1. When composing a new topic, type in the tag text in the Tags text box. If you don't see a Tags text box, ensure that your user group has the Tag Own Topics permission..
  2. Select the text from the drop-down.
  3. Click the Post button.

While viewing a topic, tags associated with it are visible towards the top of the page. You can only tag topics; posts cannot be tagged.

If you still need help, please contact us.