Help > Forum > Website Integration > Single sign on using OAuth
Single sign on using OAuth
You can create an app and get the required details to set up OAuth2 for single sign-on on your forum by following the instructions below.
- Go to the app settings where you have created your app.
- Copy the Client ID, Client Secret, Basic, Authorization URL, Access Token URL and User Data Access URL.
- Log in to your Website Toolbox account.
- Click the Integrate link.
- Click the Single Sign On link.
- Select the Custom OAuth option in the drop down as your website builder.
- In the Client ID text box, paste the client ID you copied previously.
- In the Client Client Secret text box, paste the client secret you copied previously.
- In the Basic text box, enter the value of basic if your service provider supports basic authorization and has given the value for basic, otherwise leave it blank.
- In the Authorization URL text box, enter the authorization URL provided by the OAuth service provider which is used to retrieve the authorization code.
- In the Access Token URL text box, enter the access token URL provided by the OAuth service provider which is used to exchange an authorization code for an access token.
- In the User Data Access URL text box, enter the user access URL provided by the OAuth service provider which is used to retrieve the user account information, limited to the scope of access.
- Click the Save button.
- For the Redirect URL, Callback URL, or similar option in your app, enter https://FORUM_DOMAIN/oauth?service=Custom&action=doOauthCallback (Replace FORUM_DOMAIN with your Website Toolbox forum domain name.) If you have embedded the forum, log in and then view this support article to see the correct embed-friendly version of the URL you need to use.
- Visit your forum and click the Log In link to log in.
- Optionally, you can also integrate the log out process by using the log out related steps for token-based authentication.
If you still need help, please contact us.