Help > Forum > Page Views > Reducing page view usage fees
Reducing page view usage fees
- Advertising - Place advertisements, such as Google Adsense, on your forum or RSS feed to monetize your traffic.
- Privatize - A large amount of your page views may be caused by search engine robots indexing your pages. Making your forum private would prevent search engines from entering your forum and would help reduce page view usage. You can privatize your forum through the methods below:
- Donations - You may be able to raise a substantial amount of money by asking your users to donate as little as $1 each. More information.
- Access Fee - You can require that users pay a subscription fee for access to features, your entire forum, or select categories. More information.
- Remove content syndication - The content syndication methods, such as the JavaScript and XML feeds, can cause heavy page view usage if placed on high-traffic web pages. If you are currently using them, you can stop using them to reduce your page view usage.
- Review page view reports - The Top Page Viewers and Real-Time Page Views reports allow you to see what users and content is generating the most page views, allowing you to easily ban any users that are abusing your forum.
- Upgrade your plan - You can upgrade your forum to a larger plan that includes more page views. After all, it's great if your forum is getting more popular. Upgrading to a larger plan may reduce your overall cost by eliminating page view usage fees that you may currently be paying.
- Affiliate Programs - As the forum owner, you are a trusted expert in your field, so you can recommend products and services as an affiliate to your visitors directly on your forum or via rare and well-planned emails.
- Block search engine robots - A large amount of your page views may be caused by search engine robots indexing your pages. You can specify ALLBOTS as a banned IP address to block search engines from indexing your forum or you can set the Settings -> Security -> Privacy option to Hidden.
- Archive old topics - Moving old topics to a private category will ensure that search engines aren't visiting them daily to index them, which will reduce the page view usage fees that those visits cause.
If you still need help, please contact us.