Help > Forum > Website Integration > API quota

API quota

The default quota for the API is 3 requests per second with a burst of 5 requests and a total of 20,000 requests per day. In certain cicumstances, you can contact us and we can increase the quota for your forum. However, we may first explore how to achieve your goals in way that can stay within the default API quota because API calls will add latency to your user's experience if done in response to user actions, will require us to further scale our infrastructure, and API usage is counted towards your page view usage so it is beneficial to minimize API calls whenever possible.

In some situations, it may be a good approach to use webhook events to store data in your local database instead of fetching everything via API calls.

If you're trying to create accounts for users, you can consider using token-based SSO or OAuth instead of using the API.

When many API requests need to be made sequentially, we recommend using sleep/pause commands in your code to throttle your code and ensure that the speed of the API requests doesn't exceed the limit of 3 requests per second.

If you still need help, please contact us.