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Posts: 1,192
Reply with quote  #1 
This is one of the saddest cases I have seen so far.....

Trails End: A Memorial to Donald Scott 
(Last update Feb. 3, 2003, by Leon Felkins)

On October 2, 1992 Malibu California millionaire Donald Scott was shot to death inside his own home, during a raid by Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and agents from five federal law enforcement agencies. The Scotts were awakened by the sound of the police breaking down their door. Scott's wife, Frances, ran downstairs to find her house swarming with men with guns aimed at her. She screamed "don't shoot me, don't kill me." Donald Scott, recovering from recent cataract surgery, got his gun and ran to the defense of his wife. When he emerged at the top of the stairs, holding his gun over his head, the officers told him to lower the gun. As he did, they shot him to death. The warrant was for evidence of the cultivation of marijuana, but no illegal activity was discovered at the Scott ranch. The report of the Ventura County District Attorney, Michael Bradbury, concluded that the police lied to obtain the search warrant, that there had never been any marijuana cultivation on the property, and that the raid was motivated by a desire to forfeit the multi-million dollar ranch. Despite the DA's dramatic conclusions, no officer was ever indicted, or even lightly disciplined for the lies or the killing. This is an outrageous abuse of police power. These officers must be brought to justice. Please write your Congressmen now and demand a Congressional investigation. Include a copy of the Ventura County D.A.'s report.

"Judge Says Ventura District Attorney Doesn't Have to Divulge Documents," summary of AP article, posted to FEAR-List by Brenda Grantland, 9/20/95

Report On The Death Of Donald Scott, by Ventura County (CA) District Attorney Michael D. Bradbury, March 30, 1993 (64 pp.)

  • "L.A. Forfeiture Squads Kill California Millionaire" by Brenda Grantland
  • List of "Persons Present When Warrant Executed" (2 pp.)
  • IMAGE: Police Diagram of the Scott house showing where Scott was killed, (4K B&W .gif)
  • Transcript of Tape From Scott's Answering Machine -- the Scott's answering machine tape recorded the officers' phone calls after the killing (2 pp.)
  • IMAGE: Map of Donald Scott property -- with handwritten notes made by police before the raid: "80 acres sold for $800,000 in 1991 in same area. 1. Fly. 2. Low crawl." (47K B&W .jpg)
  • IMAGE: Tax Assessor's appraisals of property in the area -- reviewed by police before the raid (21K B&W .gif)
  • "Forfeiture Motive Involved In The Trail's End Ranch Search Warrant", Memorandum from Deputy D.A. Kevin G. De Noce (Excellent summary of the conclusions of the report. 2 pgs.)

  • Miscellaneous
    Here is Paul Ciotti's outstanding and informative article "Ranch-coveting officials settle for killing owner: Five police agencies staged bogus drug raid on rich eccentric to acquire 200-acre spread", written Jan. 23, 2000, that adds much more detail to this fascinating story of a government out of control.

    Please go to Frances Scott's Web Page where you can learn how you can of her continuing fight to save the property from confiscation. [Note, her page is now down -- this link is courtesy of the Internet Archive.]

    IMAGE: Donald's Scott's death certificate, listing cause of death: homicide (Full size image not available)

    IMAGE: Frances Plante Scott, Donald's Scott's widow (12K color photo .gif) taken at F.E.A.R. sponsored memorial service for Donald Scott, grounds of Federal Building, Los Angeles, October 2, 1993 (Full size image not available)

    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #2 


    March 30, 1993




    District Attorney

    This report has been compiled from the original 62 plus pages
    into this version


    Outpost of Freedom

    Electronic version
    March, 1997

    [Note: The original report was scanned, and a cursory review made. There may be errors in this transcription, especially in case law and statute information. A copy of the original report can be provided. Contact Gary Hunt at the Outpost of Freedom for information.]




    Ill. FACTUAL SUMMARY [included in separate page because of size]

    A. Initial Investigation
    B. National Park Service Visit
    C. Arranging the Aerial Surveillance
    D. D.E.A. Overflight
    E. Border Patrol Search
    F. Corroboration
    G. Fish and Game and Coastal Commission
    H. Undercover Threat Assessment.
    I. Obtaining the Search Warrant
    J. Personnel and Preparation for Serving Warrant
    K. Knock Notice
    L. Entry
    M The Shooting
    N. Alter the Shooting
    O. The Search
    P Weapons
    Q Autopsy
    R Additional Aerial Observations
    S. Interview of Plante

    IV. LEGAL ANALYSIS [included in separate page because of size]

    A. Border Patrol Search
    B. Land Forfeiture
    C. Evidence of Marijuana Cultivation
    D. Validity of Search Warrant
    E. Service of Warrant
    F. Shooting.




    1. List of Officers
    2. Diagram of House
    3. Transcript of Answering Machine Tape
    4. District Attorney's letter - Subject: Motive


    Donald P. Scott, age 61, owned and lived on a 200-acre property known as the Trails End Ranch, 35247 Mulholland Highway, in the Ventura County portion of Malibu. California. On October 2,1992, while serving a search warrant at the ranch Los Angeles County Sheriffs Deputies Gary R. Spencer and John W. Cater, Jr. shot at Scott, resulting in his death. The shooting and the events leading up to it have raised a number of issues of concern to this office, other law enforcement agencies, and the public. This report summarizes our investigation and conclusions.

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    The investigation by this office was conducted by District Attorney Senior Investigator Richard C. Haas, Senior Deputy District Attorney Michael D. Schwartz and Deputy District Attorney Kevin G. DeNoce assisted with the legal research and analysis.

    During our investigation. we interviewed some 40 witnesses and reviewed statements of approximately 20 additional witnesses. We reviewed hundreds of pages of reports and other documents, including the reports of the Ventura County Sheriff and the internal investigation of the Los Angeles County Sheriff. We also visited the ranch and reviewed dozens of photographs, audio tapes of phone calls and interviews, and a video tape of the scene of the shooting. With few exceptions, the individuals and agencies we contacted cooperated with our investigation by being interviewed and providing us with requested documents. We greatly appreciate their assistance.

    Deputy Spencer was interviewed several times and volunteered to provide us with any information we wanted. He offered to take a polygraph examination, but we declined based on our general concerns regarding the reliability of polygraphs. The United States Border Patrol provided us with written materials but refused to allow its agents to be interviewed.

    In this report, we have noted some discrepancies in the statements of witnesses. We have done so to give a more complete report of what our investigation has found, with this caveat: it is a common human experience that there will be some variation between witnesses in their perception, recollection and reporting of events. Discrepancies may mean that a witness is lying, or may reflect the witnesses' honest recollection of what occurred.

    Back to Top


    Based upon the evidence in this case, the District Attorney is of the opinion that the following occurred:

    Upon receiving information from the informant, Deputy Spencer originally thought that thousands of marijuana plants might be growing at the ranch. Efforts to confirm the presence of marijuana were unsuccessful. He was unable to see marijuana from the top of the waterfall and the Border Patrol did not see any plants during two attempts to do so. Agent Stowell claimed to see only a relatively few plants, based solely on their color, but was unwilling to be the basis for a search warrant without corroboration.

    It is inherently unlikely that Agent Stowell could see marijuana plants suspended under trees in a densely vegetated area through naked-eye observation from 1000 feet. His failure to take photographs is unexplained, and when the warrant was executed, no evidence- of cultivation was found. Based on all of the evidence, it is the District Attorney's conclusion that there was never marijuana bang cultivated on the property as reported by Stowell.

    Spencer learned that the name of Plante and her associates had come up in investigations of heroin smuggling and other narcotics violations. Spencer knew that if he could put together a search warrant for marijuana cultivation, he could get onto the ranch and also search for other drugs, and had arranged to do so. He also knew that if marijuana were found growing, or if narcotics were found in sufficient quantity, it was possible that a very valuable piece of real estate would be forfeited to the government with proceeds from a sale of the property going to the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department.

    Spencer could not get Stowell to agree to the search warrant without corroboration. When the Border Patrol failed to find marijuana, Spencer told Stowell that the informant now expected a yield of only 40 pounds of marijuana. The informant denies telling Spencer about 40 pounds, which raises the possibility that Spencer fabricated this information in order to induce Stowell to agree to use his name in the search warrant affidavit. We are unable to resolve the discrepancy between the statements of Spencer and the informant. However, other law enforcement officers have vouched for the informant's credibility.

    The Border Patrol entered the property to look for marijuana and not to look for illegal aliens. Their recent claim that they entered the property in a search for illegal aliens is unconvincing and unsupported by the evidence. Because we do not know exactly where they went, we cannot determine whether all of their actions were within the "open fields" exception to the Fourth Amendment.

    The affidavit upon which the search warrant was based contains material misstatements that the BMW was registered to Scott at the Trails End Ranch and that Stowell used binoculars. It also omits material information, including the failure of the Border Patrol and others to see marijuana on the property, the altitude of Stowell's flight, the very limited basis for Stowell's opinion that he saw marijuana, and the manner in which Stowell was convinced to agree to the warrant. The misstatements and the omissions make the warrant invalid. While we were misled by Spencer into approving the warrant affidavit, further inquiry by this office might have uncovered the defects in the warrant. Because it cannot be proven that Spencer knowingly lied in the affidavit, there is an insufficient basis for a perjury prosecution,

    It is the District Attorney's opinion that the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department was motivated, at least in part, by a desire to seize and forfeit the ranch for the government. While the National Park Service could indirectly obtain this land, there is no evidence that it instigated or played a significant role in the forfeiture plan. Based in part upon the possibility of forfeiture, Spencer obtained a search warrant that was not supported by probable cause. This search warrant became Donald Scott's death warrant.

    When the warrant was executed, the deputies sufficiently identified themselves and demanded entry to the residence in compliance with law. The evidence does not establish that Donald Scott intended a shoot out with the deputies. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that the deputies went to the ranch with the hope of killing Scott. When Deputy Spencer ordered Scott to lower his gun, Scott did so in a way that Spencer says caused him to fear for his life. There is no evidence to disprove Spencer's version of how the shooting occurred. For that reason, we must conclude that Spencer and Cater were justified in shooting Scott in self-defense. While there is a conflict in the evidence as to whether Plante was in the room during the shooting, her report of the shooting itself is substantially the same a that of Deputy Spencer. The invalidity of the warrant does not form a sufficient legal or evidentiary basis for a homicide prosecution.

    This case involves numerous individuals and agencies and is fertile ground for speculation as to the motivations of each of them. What we cannot forget is that Donald Scott's death could and should have been avoided.

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    1. Law enforcement officers should tape record critical conversations with informants and other witnesses.

    2. Observations of suspected marijuana during aerial surveillance should be photographed in color.

    3. While interagency cooperation for marijuana eradication and other law enforcement purposes can be valuable, involved agencies should ensure that they have the legal authority for their investigative actions, including the entry on private property.

    4. In preparing search warrant affidavits, law enforcement officers must not compromise their objectivity based upon forfeiture concerns. Regardless of whether a given search warrant may result in the forfeiture of valuable property, officers must ensure that there is adequate probable cause.

    5. Whenever possible, search warrants should be reviewed by a deputy district attorney who is familiar with the specialized areas of law that are involved. Prosecutors reviewing search warrants must act as objective evaluators and before approving an affidavit must resolve all questions relating to probable cause.

    6. Search warrants should be obtained and served promptly. Specifically, search warrants for growing marijuana should be served quickly during the harvest season.

    7. Returns to search warrants should comply with the statutory requirement of listing all of the properly taken pursuant to the warrant.

    8. The Sheriff of Ventura County and other sheriffs and police chiefs statewide should review consent agreements entered into pursuant to Penal Gods section 830. 1 to determine how much authority they wish to give to sheriffs deputies from other counties and police officers from other cities. Specifically, they should consider whether they should require notification and the opportunity to participate in the service of search warrants and other specified law enforcement operations within their jurisdiction.

    9. Based on the personal involvement of Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Larry Longo in this investigation, the referral to the Los Angeles County District Attorney will request that Longo not be given access to the file and will suggest that his conduct in the case be addressed by the District Attorney of Los Angeles County.

    10. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department should reopen its administrative investigation into the conduct of Deputy Gary Spencer in view of the District Attorney's findings.

    11. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department should examine its policies and procedures regarding obtaining and executing search warrants to prevent a recurrence of the events which lead to the death of Donald Scott. Specifically, they must ensure that warrants are supported by probable cause and served in a manner that minimizes the danger to both citizens and officers.

    12. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department allowed Deputy Spencer to participate in the investigation into the circumstances leading to the shooting of Donald Scott. In view of Spencer's activity in procuring the warrant and ultimately shooting Scott, his participation in the ensuing investigation was inappropriate. Officers involved in shooting incidents should not participate in investigations of their own conduct.

    13. The United States Department of Justice should require its law enforcement agencies, including the Border Patrol, to cooperate with investigations by local law enforcement agencies.

    14. The Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement of the California Department of Justice, in conjunction with the Campaign Against Planting Marijuana, should establish criteria, consistent with case law, for determining the sufficiency of an expert opinion regarding the aerial identification of marijuana cultivation.

    15. Our file will be forwarded to the Grand Juries of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, the Sheriffs of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, the Los Angeles County District Attorney, the Attorneys General of the United Stales arid of California, and the Federal Bureau of investigation for their review. We recommend that those bodies conduct their own investigations to determine what action is appropriate for them to take.

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    Boyce, Sgt. Larry M.
    Burch, Joy
    Cater, John
    Copplin, Donna
    Dewitt, Lt. Richard
    Joblonsky, Joyce
    Levy, Sgt. Steve
    Marco, Sgt. Harry
    Mueller, Sgt. Robert W.
    Reichie, Dean (Reserve)
    Spencer, Gary
    Valentine, Dave
    Zenman, S.

    Barrett, John
    Youngblood, Steve

    McClung, Greg
    Petit, William

    Burton, Jim.
    Wears, Glen

    Daniel, Charles
    Cuessferd, Pat
    Lealan, Don
    Taylor, Sgt. Steve

    Simonds, Tim
    Sutton, Bryan
    Young, Tim

    Yavrouian, Andre
    Mintz, Fred

    Diaz, Frank
    Hicks, Capt. Clay
    Russell, Ron

    Back to Top


    First Conversation: Deputy Joy Burch (JB) to "911"
    JB: _____________ the door.
    911: 911 emergency, what are you reporting?
    JB: "'kay, is this the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department? Uh. we have a, uh, we have a gunshot victim here.
    911: Yeah, we got you _________ on the air.
    JB: Alright, somebody's in route?
    911: Yeah, fire is on the way.
    JB: Thank you,

    Second Conversation: Neighbor (N) to Deputy Gary Spencer (GS)
    N: Hello, is this, uh, uh, Donald?
    GS: No, no, it's a friend of his. Who's this?
    N: Is Donald there?
    GS: Uh, he's busy, what's up?
    N: OK. I Just. I'm Just a neighbor, I just saw a police car go up, wanted to make sure everything is OK. GS: Oh. OK.
    N: Everything alright?
    GS: Uh, yeah, this is the Sheriffs Department.
    N: Oh, OK. Everything OK or what?
    GS: Uh, we were serving a search warrant on the property here.
    N: Uh, OK, 1 was just checking out...
    GS: Yeah...
    N: ...and seeing if everything was alright.
    GS: Yeah, he didn't call us, we were serving a search warrant.
    N: OK, I'I1 talk to you later.
    GS: Alright.
    N: Bye, bye.

    Third Conversation: Lt. Richard Dewitt (RD) to Capt. Larry Waldie (LW)
    (Dial tone and dialing)
    Recording: We're sorry, it is not necessary to dial a 1 or the area code when calling the number. Please hang up and try your call again. (Dial tone and dialing)
    LW: Larry Waldie.
    RD: Uh, Captain, Dewitt here.
    LW: Yeah
    RD: I'm on a search warrant with the Hidden Hills crew on this marijuana eradication thing...
    LW: Yes...
    RD: And they just uh, looks like a 927D here.
    LW: At the location?
    RD: Yeah.
    LW: A dead body's there?
    RD: No, we put him down.
    LW: We killed him?
    RD: Yeah.
    LW: Uh, Where you at?
    RD: Hold on a minute... Harry do you have the address here?
    Harry: Yeah,
    ?: Hold on and I'11 get it.
    RD: Apparently what happened, they did their knock arid notice for quite awhile, came into the house, the guy was, uh, walking out of the back of the house.., he has some kind of revolver, I don't know what kind it is, he's holding in his hand. Told him, put it down... he kinda had it pointing up in the air originally.., as he brought it down he was kinda pointing toward the deputy and I don't know which deputy it is right now... ?:That's it.

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    Go to Diagram of House

    Got to District Attorney's letter

    mail topf@illusions.com

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    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #3 
    Sunday, January 23, 2000

    Ranch-coveting officials
    settle for killing owner

    Five police agencies staged
    bogus drug raid on rich eccentric
    to acquire 200-acre spread

    By Paul Ciotti
    © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

    Recent revelations about rampant police perjury have made Los Angeles juries so mistrustful of law enforcement that attorneys for Los Angeles County are in some cases offering plaintiffs multi-million dollar settlements, rather than risking the possibility of far larger damage awards should the cases ever go to trial.

    In one of the more infamous instances of alleged law enforcement misconduct -- the killing of the reclusive Malibu millionaire and rugged anti-government individualist Donald Scott in his ranch house by Los Angeles sheriff's deputies in 1992 -- county and federal government officials tentatively agreed last week to pay Scott's heirs and estate a total of $5 million in return for their dropping a wrongful death lawsuit.

    Furthermore, they made the settlement despite the deep conviction, says deputy Los Angeles County Counsel Dennis Gonzales, that the deputy who shot Scott was fully justified and -- even though the sheriff was never able to prove it -- that the heavy-drinking Scott was growing thousands of marijuana plants on his remote $2.5 million Malibu ranch.

    Early on the morning of Oct. 2, 1992, 31 officers from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Border Patrol, National Guard and Park Service came roaring down the narrow dirt road to Scott's rustic 200-acre ranch. They planned to arrest Scott, the wealthy, eccentric, hard-drinking heir to a Europe-based chemicals fortune, for allegedly running a 4,000-plant marijuana plantation. When deputies broke down the door to Scott's house, Scott's wife would later tell reporters, she screamed, "Don't shoot me. Don't kill me." That brought Scott staggering out of the bedroom, hung-over and bleary-eyed -- he'd just had a cataract operation -- holding a .38 caliber Colt snub-nosed revolver over his head. When he pointed it in the direction of the deputies, they killed him.

    Later, the lead agent in the case, sheriff's deputy Gary Spencer and his partner John Cater posed for photographs arm-in-am outside Scott's cabin, smiling and triumphant, says Larry Longo, a former Los Angeles deputy district attorney who now represents Scott's daughter, Susan.

    "It was as if they were white hunters who had just shot the buffalo," he said.

    Despite a subsequent search of Scott's ranch using helicopters, dogs, searchers on foot, and a high-tech Jet Propulsion Laboratory device for detecting trace amounts of sinsemilla, no marijuana --or any other illegal drug -- was ever found.

    Scott's widow, the former Frances Plante, along with four of Scott's children from prior marriages, subsequently filed a $100 million wrongful death suit against the county and federal government. For eight years the case dragged on, requiring the services of 15 attorneys and some 30 volume binders to hold all the court documents. Last week, attorneys for Los Angeles County and the federal government agreed to settle with Scott's heirs and estate, even though the sheriff's department still maintained its deputies had done nothing wrong.

    "I do not believe it was an illegal raid in any way, shape or form," Captain Larry Waldie, head of the Sheriff's Department's narcotics bureau, told the Los Angeles Times after the shooting. When Scott came out of the bedroom, the deputies identified themselves and shouted at him to put the gun down. As Scott began to lower his arm, one deputy later said, he "kinda" pointed his gun -- which he initially was holding by the cylinder, not the handle grip -- at deputy Spencer who, in fear for his life, killed him.

    Although attorneys for Los Angeles County believed Scott's shooting was fully justified, they weren't eager to see the case go to trial. Recent widespread revelations of illegal shootings, planted evidence and perjured testimony at the Los Angeles Police Department's Rampart Division were making the public mistrust the police.

    "I've tried four cases (since the Rampart revelations)," said Dennis Gonzales, a deputy Los Angeles County counsel. And in each case, he said, jurors have told him that the possibility that police officers were lying was a factor in their vote.

    "You have to be realistic as to public perceptions," he said.

    Nick Gutsue, Scott's former attorney and currently special administrator for his estate, put it more bluntly: "(Gonzales) saw he had a loser and he took the easy way out."

    Ironically enough, the county might have had a better chance of winning a court battle if it had allowed the case to go to trial when Scott's widow and four children first filed their lawsuit back in 1993. The county blew it, says Gutsue. It adopted a "divide and conquer strategy." It prolonged the lawsuit's resolution with a successful motion to throw legendarily aggressive anti-police attorney Stephen Yagman off the case. Then it filed a time-consuming motion to dismiss the estate from the lawsuit.

    In the process, says Gutsue, new revelations of police misconduct began appearing so frequently that the public's attitude toward law enforcement began to change. "It was one scandal after another," says Gutsue. "(County attorneys) stalled so long that the (Rampart scandal) came along and their stalling tactics backfired."

    Although county officials still maintain that Scott was a major marijuana grower who was just clever enough not to get caught, his friends and widow maintain that his drug of choice was alcohol, not marijuana. As a young man, Scott lived a privileged life, growing up in Switzerland and attending prep schools in New York. Later he lived the life of a dashing international jet setter who was married three times, once to a French movie star, and who had gone through two bitter and messy divorces by the time he moved to his Malibu ranch, called Trail's End, in 1966.

    Although well-liked and generous to friends, Scott drank heavily, could be cantankerous and deeply mistrusted the government, which he suspected of having designs on this ranch, a remote and nearly inaccessible parcel with high rocky bluffs on three sides and a 75-foot spring-fed waterfall out back.

    "You know what he used to say," his third wife, Frances Plante, told writer Michael Fessier Jr. in a 1993 article for the Los Angeles Times magazine, "He'd say, 'Frances, every day they pass a new law and the day after that they pass 40 more.'"

    To Los Angeles County officials, the fact that Don Scott got killed in his own house during a futile raid to seize a non-existent 4,000-plant marijuana farm is just one of the unfortunate facts of life in the narcotics enforcement business. It doesn't mean that sheriff's deputies did anything wrong.

    "Sometimes people get warned and we don't find anything," Gary Spencer, the lead deputy on the raid and the one who shot Scott, told an L.A. Times reporter in 1997, "so I don't consider it botched. I wouldn't call it botched because that would say that it was a mistake to have gone there in the first place, and I don't believe that."

    Someone who did believe that was Ventura County District Attorney Michael Bradbury. Although Scott's ranch was in Ventura County, none of the 31 people participating in the massive early morning raid, which included officers from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, the DEA, the National Park Service, the California National Guard and the Border Patrol bothered to invite any Ventura County officers to come along. Furthermore, once Scott was shot, Los Angeles County tried to claim jurisdiction over the investigation of Scott's death, even though the shooting occured in Ventura County.

    To Bradbury, it was easy to see why. L.A. County wanted jurisdiction. In a 64-page report issued by Bradbury's office in March of 1993, Bradbury concluded that the search warrant contained numerous misstatements, evasions and omissions. The purpose of the raid, he wrote, was never to find some evanescent marijuana plantation. It was to seize Scott's ranch under asset forfeiture laws and then divide the proceeds with participating agencies, such as the National Park Service, which had put Scott's ranch on a list of property it would one day like to acquire, and the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, which heavily relied on assets seized in drug raids to supplement its otherwise inadequate budget.

    For something written by a government agency, the Bradbury report was surprisingly blunt. It dismissed Spencer's supposed reasons for believing that the Scott ranch was a marijuana plantation and accused Spencer of having lost his "moral compass" in his eagerness to seize Scott's multi-million dollar ranch. As proof of its assertions, the report pointed to a parcel map in possession of the raiding party that contained the handwritten notation that an adjacent 80-acre property had recently sold for $800,000. In addition, the day of the raid, participants were told during the briefing that Scott's ranch could be seized if as few as 14 plants were found.

    In order to verify that the marijuana really existed, at first Spencer simply hiked to a site overlooking Scott's ranch. Discovering nothing, he subsequently sent an Air National Guard jet over the area to take photographs of the ranch. When this also failed to reveal anything, he dispatched a Drug Enforcement Administration agent in a light plane to make a low level flight.

    The DEA agent, whose name was Charles Stowell, said he saw flashes of green hidden in trees which he believed were 50 marijuana plants. At the same time, Stowell was uncertain enough about his observations -- which he had made with the naked eye from an altitude of 1,000 feet -- to warn Spencer not to use them as the basis for a search warrant without further corroboration.

    In an effort to confirm the marijuana sighting -- Spencer by this time had decided that Scott was growing marijuana in pots suspended under the trees -- Spencer asked members of the Border Patrol's "C-Rat" team to make a night-time foray into the ranch. Despite two separate incursions, they failed to find anything except barking dogs. The following day a Fish and Game warden and Coastal Commission worker went to the ranch to investigate alleged stream pollution and do a "trout survey" on the dry stream bed. They too failed to see any marijuana. Two days after that, a sheriff's deputy and National Park ranger visited the ranch again, this time ostensibly to buy a rottweiler puppy from Scott. The Scotts were friendly and gave them a tour of the ranch. Once again no one saw any marijuana.

    This lack of confirmation notwithstanding, four days later Spencer filed an affidavit for a search warrant saying that DEA Special Agent Charles Stowell, "while conducting cannabis eradication and suppression reconnaissance ... over the Santa Monica Mountains in a single engine fixed wing aircraft ... noticed that marijuana was being cultivated at the Trails End Ranch 35247 Mulholland Highway in Malibu. Specifically Agent Stowell saw approximately 50 plants that he recognized to be marijuana plants growing around some large trees that were in a grove near a house on the property."

    To attorneys with a lot of experience with warrants, Spencer's affidavit didn't look like much. "On a scale of one to ten," says former district attorney Longo, "I would give it a one."

    Despite the affidavit's deficiencies -- among other things, Spencer didn't mention that none of the people participating in any of the previous week's incursions had reported any marijuana -- Ventura Municipal Court Judge Herbert Curtis III issued a search warrant which, in the words of the Bradbury report, became Scott's "death warrant." After Scott's death, a helicopter hovered over the area in which the marijuana plants were believed to have been growing. There were no pots, no water supply, no marijuana. There was only ivy and even that wasn't in the location where the marijuana was supposed to be.

    Larry Longo, a friend of Scott whose children used to play with Scott's children, says it's absurd to think that Scott had marijuana plants hanging from the trees.

    "I went up there right after the shooting. The trees were 200- or 300-year-old oak trees. The leaves under them hadn't been raked in a hundred years." If Scott had been growing marijuana under the trees, the leaves would have been disturbed and the tree bark broken. "There wasn't a single mark on the trees. There was no water supply."

    Besides, says Longo, "Donald might have been a lot of things, but he would never be so dumb as to cultivate marijuana on his property." If for no other reason, he didn't need the money. Any time he needed cash, all he had to do was call New York and they'd withdraw whatever was necessary out of his trust fund. At the time of Scott's death, there was $1.6 million in his primary trust account.

    The Bradbury report caused a huge ruckus in Los Angeles County. Sherman Block, the sheriff at the time, denounced it and issued a report of his own which completely cleared everyone, and California Attorney General Dan Lungren criticized Bradbury for "inappropriate and gratuitous comments."

    Cheered by his apparent exoneration by Sheriff Block and Attorney General Lungren, sheriff's deputy Spencer subsequently sued Bradbury for libel, slander and defamation. After a long and bitter fight, including allegations that Bradbury suppressed an earlier report which concluded that Spencer was innocent after all, a state appeals court declared that Bradbury was within his 1st Amendment rights of free speech when he criticized Spencer. The court also ordered Spencer to pay Bradbury's $50,000 legal fees, a development that caused Spencer to declare bankruptcy. According to press reports, the stress from all this caused Spencer to develop a "twitch."

    Spencer wasn't the only one affected by Scott's killing. Scott's wife, Frances, was so strapped for cash, she subsequently told a judge, she considering eating a dead coyote she found on the side of the road. According to her attorney, Johnnie Cochran, as quoted in the Los Angeles Times, she is currently living on the property while she holds off government claims to seize it for unpaid taxes. In 1996, the massive Malibu firestorm destroyed Scott's ranch house and the outlying buildings. As a result, Frances Scott currently lives in a teepee erected over the badminton court, albeit a teepee with expensive rugs and a color TV.

    Scott's old friend and attorney Nick Gutsue recently said he had mixed feelings about the settlement. While he was glad that Scott's widow and children didn't have to go through the horror of reliving Scott's death in a jury trial, at the same time was disappointed that he never got a chance to clear Scott's name.

    "I asked for an apology and exoneration of Scott," said Gutsue. "I never got one. I was told it was against their policy." That's one reason, said Gutsue, he always wanted a jury trial. In a settlement, no one has to admit any guilt.

    "Of course," said Gutsue, "$5 million is a pretty good sized admission."

    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #4 

    How a 32-Man Assault Team Murdered Donald P. Scott at Trails End Ranch

    Murder in Malibu



    MICHAEL D. BRADBURY, District Attorney


    Donald P. Scott, age 61, owned and lived on a 200-acre property known as the Trails End Ranch, 35247 Mulholland Highway, in the Ventura County portion of Malibu, California. On October 2, 1992, while serving a search warrant at the Ranch, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies Gary R. Spencer and John W. Cater, Jr. shot at Scott, resulting in his death. The shooting and the events leading up to it have raised a number of issues of concern to this office, other law enforcement agencies, and the public. This report summarizes our investigation and conclusions.


    While in South Lake Tahoe, Spencer and Los Angeles Sheriff's Sgt. Robert W. Mueller told DEA Special Agent Charles Stowell that an informant told them that approximately 3000 plants were being cultivated in a remote ranch in Malibu. They agreed to meet on September 22 to discuss the case further.

    On September 22, 1992, Stowell met in Whittier with members of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, DEA and the U.S. Forest Service. No National Park Service employees or Ventura County officers were present.

    Ranger Mike Alt and Special Agent Laurel Pistel, both of the U.S. Forest Service, were present at the meeting. Pistel states that she was invited by LASD, Sgt. Mueller, and that she believed the purpose of the meeting was to discuss a prior marijuana case that the Forest Service and Los Angeles Sheriff's Department had worked on together. While in attendance, she learned that the meeting involved the Trails End Ranch. She states that she did not hear asset forfeiture discussed at the meeting.

    At the meeting, Spencer displayed the aerial photographs of the property taken by the California Air National Guard. However, Stowell stated that he could not identify cannabis plants because the photographs were in black and white.

    In his report, Stowell states that the photographs show an illegal water system at the property. Forest Ranger Mike Aft stated that it appeared that the water might have come from the National Recreation Area and if so, could be illegal. He said that fact would allow the Forest Service to enter the land, but only if the National Park Service requested their assistance.

    We obtained enlargements of the Air National Guard photographs. The only water system that can be seen is a pipe leading from the waterfall to a water tank, which supplies the water to the area where the buildings are located. The vegetation shown in the photographs is extremely dense, and no cultivated plants or footpaths can be identified.


    On September 23, 1992, LASD Deputy David Kitchings and Stowell flew over the ranch for approximately 10 minutes. Stowell reported that he did not see any marijuana until the third orbit over the ranch, when he saw approximately 50 marijuana plants, located approximately 75 yards southwest of an outbuilding on the property. He stated that the plants were at staggered elevations, and had light underneath them. The plants were approximately 25 yards north of and parallel to a dirt road in line with the main residence. He also described the location as being directly in line with the barn and out approximately 75 yards. Stowell checked the remainder of the property but did not locate a large cannabis cultivation site. He stated that if there were 3000 plants on the property, they were well hidden or were in an outbuilding. Kitchings then conducted aerobatics to lessen suspicion that they were conducting surveillance.

    Stowell had a camera in the plane during the September flight but stated that he took no photographs. Stowell and other narcotics officers state that the usual procedure is to take photographs. A review of published cases involving over-flights indicates that photographs are frequently attached to the search warrant affidavit. Stowell stated that he should have taken photographs, and could not explain why he had failed to do so (however, in two reports, Stowell states that he was able to photograph the location in an October 5 flight over the property).

    Stowell told us that he was flying at an altitude of at least 1000 feet and was not using binoculars because binoculars make him feel sick.


    At the meeting of September 22, Forest Ranger Mike Alt suggested that a reconnaissance team go onto the property to look for the marijuana and stated that a team could be ready within 24 hours. After the aerial surveillance by Agent Stowell, Spencer asked Alt to put the team together.

    On either September 22 or 23, Alt contacted the U.S. Border Patrol in Bakersfield and asked that the Border Patrol's C-RAT team assist the Forest Service with reconnaissance on the property. On the evening of September 24, 1992, Alt met at the Sheriff's Department with four members of the Border Patrol, along with Sergeant Boyce and Deputies Cater and Spencer. Border Patrol Agent Ed P. Dubbe was the commander of the mission, which the Border Patrol called 'Operation Malibu.' The Border Patrol agents were outfitted with climbing gear, cameras, weapons, and other equipment. They all then went in a Sheriff's van to the area of the ranch.

    Spencer states that he is not sure exactly what area the Border Patrol searched. He states that at that point, he still believed the marijuana was growing on the ground and that to the best of his knowledge, the Border Patrol was only looking for marijuana on the ground and not in the trees. He states that they reported that they did not cover all of the property, but were confident they did not see any marijuana plants in the areas they covered. He also states that the Border Patrol reported that it was extremely unlikely that 3000 plants were present.

    The Border Patrol has refused to allow us to interview its agents regarding this case. The written materials they have provided are contradictory and inconsistent as to times and are uncertain as to locations. As a result, we have been unable to determine the exact area that they searched.


    At 7:00 a.m. on Friday, October 2, 1992, the officers who were to serve the search warrant gathered at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Malibu Station and were briefed. Present were 30 law enforcement officers (13 from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, 5 from the Los Angeles Police Department canine unit, 3 from the National Guard, 3 from the National Park Service, 2 from the U.S. Forest Service, 2 from the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement (BNE), and 2 from the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration). A list of persons present is attached to this report.

    In addition, two researchers from Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena were present. They state that they were there to conduct research. Los Angeles Sheriff's Sergeant Robert W. Mueller invited them to be present when the warrant was served. One of the researchers was a reserve officer for the Los Angeles Police Department, but was at the scene on behalf of JPL and not on behalf of the police department.

    Two of the Los Angeles Sheriffs deputies were from the asset forfeiture unit. They state that it is customary that forfeiture personnel be notified several days before service of a search warrant and accompany narcotics officers serving the warrant to seize cash and documents which may lead to other assets. The forfeiture deputies in this case were notified a week or less before the warrant was served. As is customary, they did not begin any investigation before the warrant was served.

    Spencer states that BNE agents were present as part of CAMP and were assigned to assist with locating and harvesting marijuana plants. Spencer states that the canine handlers were assigned to look for evidence of narcotics hidden in buildings or cars and that the LAPD canine unit was used because Sheriffs' canines were not available. An officer with the LAPD narcotics canine unit told us that they brought dogs trained to detect cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine, as well as dogs trained to detect marijuana.

    The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Shooting Evaluation states that two unidentified Los Angeles County Probation Officers were also present. No personnel from Ventura County Sheriff's Department, which has the primary law enforcement authority and responsibility for the area, was present or notified that the warrant was going to be served.

    The briefing was conducted by Spencer and Sgt. Boyce. According to National Park Service Rangers Bryan Sutton and Tim Simonds, they were told at the briefing that there were weapons in the house, but that no problems were anticipated. According to Simonds, they were told that the warrant was for the property rather than the people and there would not be a quick entry. Simonds also recalls that a deputy stated that the ranch would be seized if they found 14 or more plants. According to Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement Agent Greg McClung, someone said at the briefing that they would look into seizing the property if marijuana plants were found.


    District Attorney Bradbury raises the following questions at the conclusion of his report:

    1.What is the legal authority of the Border Patrol to conduct searches for drugs?

    2.Did the Border Patrol entry constitute a trespass?

    3.Does the Fourth Amendment permit government agents to enter private property to search for drugs?

    4.Did the Los Angeles County Sheriff obtain the warrant in order to obtain Scott's land?

    5.Did the National Park Service orchestrate the investigation or killing in order to obtain the land?

    6.How reliable are the observations of marijuana from the air?

    7.What other evidence supports or refutes the presence of marijuana?

    8.Did the warrant affidavit contain knowing or reckless false statements or material omissions?

    9.Do the misstatements and omissions invalidate the warrant?

    10.May the officers be prosecuted for perjury?

    11.Why were so many officers and agencies present?

    12.Was the presence of Ventura County deputies required?

    13.May a peace officer use deadly force in serving a search warrant?

    14.Does an invalid warrant make the shooting a crime?


    The IRS is presently forcing the sale of Trails End Ranch to pay unconstitutional Death Taxes. If you would like to help save Trails End Ranch, please contribute to the Donald Scott Memorial Fund:

    Donald Scott Memorial Fund
    P.O. Box 6755 Malibu, CA 90264
    Bank of America
    Point Dume Branch
    29171 Heather Cliff Road
    Malibu, CA 90264
    (310) 456-6296

    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #5 
    Subject: FEAR: Frances Plante-Scott recalls events from 1992 when her husband, Donald Scott,was killed . . .
    From: "Leon Felkins"
    Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 14:49:36 -0600
    To: fear-list@mapinc.org, fear-talk@mapinc.org

    [Online at:

    Conspiracy theory in song

    Frances Plante-Scott recalls events from 1992 when her husband, Donald
    Scott,was killed by a narcotics detective on their ranch in the Malibu

    By David Wallace/Special to The Malibu Times

    >From the title of Frances Plante-Scott's just released CD, "Conspiracy
    Cocktail," it would be easy to write her off as just another conspiracy
    theorist who sees deceit and corruption in government agencies ranging from
    the IRS to the DEA. That would be very wrong. What Plante-Scott has gone
    through during the past 11 years, recalled in a recent interview and
    memorialized in song on her album, could have embittered anyone.

    . . .

    Go to:


    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #6 
    L.A. Forfeiture Squads Kill California Millionaire
    -- by Brenda Grantland, Esq., F.E.A.R. Chronicles, Vol 1. No. 5, (November, 1992)

    On October 2, 1992, a "task force" composed of L.A. County sheriff's deputies, DEA agents and U.S. Park Service officers executed a search warrant -- crossing Los Angeles County lines into Ventura County (without notifying Ventura County police) -- on California millionaire Don Scott's estate.

    The search warrant was based on information from an informant that marijuana was growing on Scott's 250 acre estate, a piece of land coveted by the government. DEA agents planned to use this to seize Scott's estate, which federal officials had earlier tried to buy to incorporate into its scenic corridor in the Santa Monica Mountains. "But Scott would never negotiate with government officials, whom he distrusted," according to the Los Angeles Times.

    The task force arrived at Scott's estate before 9 a.m.. They crashed through the door and pushed Scott's wife, Frances Plante, through the kitchen into the living room. She screamed "Don't shoot me! Don't kill me!", apparently awakening her husband, who came downstairs brandishing a gun over his head. According to Plante, the officers told him to lower the gun, and, as he lowered his arm, they shot him to death. They left him lying in a pool of blood on the floor as they searched the premises, finding no trace of marijuana anywhere on the estate.

    When Scott's wife ran to the body, they "hustled her out of the house." Recorded phone conversations show that while the dead or dying millionaire lay in a pool of his own blood, police used the phone to make calls, and answered a call from one of Scott's neighbors, telling the neighbor Scott was "busy."

    Several weeks before the raid -- according to Malibu Surfside News reporter Anne Soble, (who covered this story in extensive and probing detail) -- a game warden and a California Coastal

    Commission employee paid a visit to the Scotts, bringing with them a six-pack of beer. During the visit, they asked for a tour of the Chumash Indian trails on the property, which the Scotts refused because of rattlesnakes. Scott's widow, Frances Plante, believes the visit was connected to the investigation leading to the raid - particularly since U.S. Park Service agents -- who had an obvious interest in obtaining the property -- participated in the raid.

    Part of the allure of the estate is its repute as an archaeological site of the Chumash Indians -- a fact not missed by the forfeiture squads, who seized old maps and other historical documents relating to the property, during the fatal October 2 raid, according to Scott's wife, Frances Plante.


    Source articles: "Millionaire Killed in Multi-Agency Assault on Historic Malibu Ranch", by Anne Soble, Malibu Surfside News, 10-8-92.

    "A Violent Confrontation Ends Man's Colorful Life", Los Angeles Times 10-12-92, p. A3.

    "Drug Task Force Kills Millionaire During Search", Las Vegas Review-Journal, 10-13-92.

    "Los Angeles County Sheriff's Took Lead Role in Raid the Claimed Life of Malibu Rancher", by Anne Soble, Malibu Surfside News, 10- 15-92.

    "Friends and Family Recall Slain Malibu Man's Zest for Living," by Anne Soble, Malibu Surfside News, 10-22-92.

    "Malibu Groups Start to Raise Questions About Agency Roles in Fatal Trail's End Ranch Raid," by Anne Soble, Malibu Surfside News, 10-29-92.

    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #7 
    Boy, do they ever want the Trails End Ranch FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA
    THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
    Boy, do they ever want the Trails End Ranch

    The Donald Scott case isn't as well known as the government atrocities at Waco and Ruby Ridge. But it should be.

    In October of 1992, millionaire recluse Donald Scott and his bride of two months, Frances Plante Scott, lived in a storybook wooded valley in the mountains high above Malibu, Calif. Trails End Ranch is almost completely surrounded by state and federal park land, and the neighboring government entities had made numerous attempts to buy out Scott and annex his property in the years immediately preceding.

    Frances Scott contends the National Security Agency and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratories have also had a less-well-known role in the attempted government land grab -- the ranch sits in the midst of a government antenna array, perfectly sited to receive data from the Pacific Missile Test Range, and "My husband was the only local resident to testify against the placement of those antennas, because they cause cancer," she recalls.

    Stymied in their attempt to buy the Scott ranch, government officials hit on an alternative plan. Contending an officer had seen "marijuana plants growing under the trees" during a drug-seeking overflight (though they were unable to produce any photos, which would normally have accompanied the request for a search warrant), agents from various jurisdictions gathered quietly outside the locked gate to the ranch in the morning mists of Oct. 2, 1992. After greedily studying the maps of the 200 acres of prime land they were told they'd be able to grab under federal asset seizure laws should they find as few as 14 marijuana plants, they cut the chain on the gate with bolt-cutters and raced a mile up the dirt drive to the ranch, complete with police dogs.

    Frances Scott was in the kitchen, brewing her morning coffee, when dozens of men in plainclothes and brandishing guns -- no badges or warrants in evidence -- came swarming in. Understandably, she screamed for her husband, still asleep upstairs.

    Donald Scott, 63, came hurrying down the stairs in answer to his wife's screams of terror, a handgun held over his head. The officers shouted for him to lower his weapon. He did. They shot him dead.

    Frances Scott contends the photograph of two plainclothes cops (County

    Sheriff's Deputy John W. Cater, Jr. and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office narcotics Detective Gary R. Spencer, also identified by government investigators as the shooters) displayed at her web site, http://www.savetrailsend.org, was taken mere minutes after her husband's death.

    The two officers wear grins of triumph.

    Ventura County District Attorney Michael Bradbury, after a six-month investigation, concluded a voluminous report (www.savetrailsend.org/report.shtml) by branding the fatal raid "a land grab by the (L.A.) Sheriffs Office." He confirms the odd fact that "Two researchers from Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena" were also present for the so-called drug raid, and asks in his conclusion, "Did the Los Angeles County Sheriff obtain the warrant in order to obtain Scott's land? Did the National Park Service orchestrate the investigation or killing in order to obtain the land?"

    Not a single marijuana seed or stem was ever found: "All they had to show for their trouble was this body on the living room floor," reported the Los Angeles Times.

    The multiple government agencies -- including the L.A. County Sheriffs

    Office, L.A. Police Department, California National Guard, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, the California Drug Enforcement Agency, a Border Patrol Unit of the INS, and the National Park Service -- settled a wrongful death suit for $5 million.

    One would think that would leave Trails End Ranch securely in the hands of the widow Scott, who has made it her life's work to see the government never gets the property. But if one assumed that, one would not be properly accounting for the creativity and plain, cussed, persistence of today's government land thieves.

    A year after the raid and shooting, the widow Scott had to stand alongside 15 local firefighters and watch as the main house, cabins and other outbuildings of Trails End Ranch burned to the ground.

    Mrs. Scott alleges that wildfire was actually started by arson. Regardless, county firefighters arrived in plenty of time to dig a firebreak which would probably have kept the blaze away from the ranch. But she says a county firefighter told her with tears in his eyes that a National Parks spokesman denied the firemen permission to do so, since, "It violates our rules to disturb the natural beauty of the land."

    Many would have expected Mrs. Scott to depart after being burned out of house and home. Instead, she's spent the past six years camped out on the property in a teepee. Photos on her web site show her posing amidst the ruins of the ranch building, wearing her white wedding gown, guarded by a large Winchester and a couple of stout looking attack dogs.

    Mrs. Scott's current problem? The ranch went to Donald Scott's estate, of which she controls only a minority share, the rest going to his children by a previous marriage. The IRS appraises the ranch at $2.4 million, and wants inheritance tax on $1 million of that sum, at 55 percent.

    The attorneys for the children have advised them the ranch would be hard to market -- the official appraisal describes it as inaccessible, though

    Mrs. Scott says the mile-long access road is still perfectly functional -- and that they'll be better off selling the property to pay the taxes.

    Thus, on Aug. 2, a police SWAT team accompanied by two helicopters -- "one a larger military model with armed personnel that landed on the mountain ridge in plain view of my teepee," arrived to evict Mrs. Scott.

    Out of the $5 million wrongful death settlement, 40 percent went to the lawyers off the top, while the rest was split six ways. Once Mrs. Scott paid off her own eight years worth of legal bills, that left her barely enough to offer a $170,000 down payment to back her $1.95 million bid for the ranch in the upcoming tax auction, she says.

    But now, "The lawyers have kept my $170,000 down payment for potential damages. ...I won't have a single dollar to take to this auction, so the National Park Service will be the only party to place a bid," Mrs. Scott told me last week.

    The widow Scott has paid out at least another $55,000 to a series of three backers who agreed to bid on the ranch in her behalf, but each has been raided or otherwise intimidated by local police and the FBI, she contends.

    In one case, last January, "In the courtroom the attorneys for my husband's estate were screaming at him, 'Are you bidding for Frances Scott? We'll investigate you fully!' " Mrs. Scott contends. Within a month, she says the man had indeed been subject to a raid by the FBI and local police, on unrelated charges.

    On the telephone, Frances Scott sounds a bit paranoid -- though perhaps that's understandable, given what she's been through. Responding to my e-mail messages by calling on a cellular phone, she declines to give out either a call-back number or a mailing address.

    "I will not say what my current living circumstances are, 'cause they keep coming back at me," she says. "From the beginning I've said they're not going to murder my husband and get his property, too. I've been attacked militarily for nine years. I know these mountains well."

    No officers were ever charged in Donald Scott's death, of course. Police are rarely charged with murdering mere civilians, any more, in this Land of the Free.

    "They tell me Gary Spencer, who shot the fatal bullet, has a nervous tic now," Mrs. Scott reports. "And he's working on the bomb squad."

    Mrs. Scott invites those wishing to "help save Trails End Ranch" to contribute to the Donald Scott Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 6755 Malibu, CA 90264, or c/o Bank of America, Point Dume Branch, 29171 Heather Cliff Road, Malibu, CA 90264, (tel.) 310-456-6296.

    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998


    Posts: 1,192
    Reply with quote  #8 

    A TAINTED DEAL http://www.motherjones.com/politics/1998/06/tainted-deal

     LA DEA; Murder of Kiki Camarena http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-a-dogged-la-dea-agent-unraveled-the-cias-alleged-role-in-the-murder-of-kiki-camarena-5750278  

    "Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the DOJ at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the LA Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities. According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central L.A., around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Vol II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the DOJ, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles." Maxine Waters Oct, 1998

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