Texture King
Registered:1164783614 Posts: 2,476
Posted 1201117612
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I am not very good at tutorials but I feel the need to do one as I have noticed many folk going crazy trying to get them to work. 1) Make sure the clipmap and the image are in the same folder, to make things simple create a new folder in your 'my documents' section labled 'Clipmaps' and put the two attached images below in there. 2) Now open the model, also attached below. 3) Open the material editor and select material (bush) then navigate to 'Clipmaps' folder by selecting folder icon (1) Then select the bush007.jpg NOT the bush007_clipmap.jpg (2)
4) It should automatically fit the face in model, if not edit component and adjust it. You can use the dropper tool to copy the texture and paste it on back face too if you want, not always necessary however. 5) Hit render. Store all your clipmaps with the image in this folder to make things easy.
Render Princess
Registered:1168506330 Posts: 86
Posted 1201119521
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thank u kind sir i`ll definitely give it a try
Texture King
Registered:1164783614 Posts: 2,476
Render Wizard
Registered:1162903203 Posts: 1,127
Posted 1201140848
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Hey Pete, please send that latest image straight to gallery. It's gorgeous ! ...and thanks for the tut.
Registered:1187283858 Posts: 85
Posted 1201279301
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wonderful little rendering! the bee looks a little scrawny though. Maybe a bee with a beer belly (possibly with a drunken look).. would be even more amusing. very nice though, very creative -hdc4 edit: oh, back to the clipmap nature of this post; does anyone have a "public" library built up that's in the correct format to use with podium? It's a little painful (not to mention time consuming) to find good quality ones on the net then rename them and load them into SU. It seems the clipmap gallery hasn't had that many additions since its conception.
Saturation Master
Registered:1195573163 Posts: 1,041
Posted 1201316019
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hahahaa very true... I think i have every clipmap i can possibly find on the web... plus any from my own personal pictures... they are pretty easy to make if you have photoshop or any other post processing software
York, PA USA
Registered:1177953694 Posts: 170
Posted 1203653995
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hi solo. when you say "selecting folder icon (1)" does this mean to import the image? sorry stil cant figure this one out.
Garden Master
Registered:1203570294 Posts: 488
Posted 1203966665
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Twocentsworth, you could try it like this: 1. Make sure your image and clipmap [eg. Tree.jpeg and Tree_clipmap] are in the same folder [it can be a big folder] 2. In SU go to 'File' > 'Import'.....find your image [Tree.jpeg] click the 'use as image' button.....import your image. 3.If you have a lot of adjacent geometry the image will jump around a bit.....find something vertical to attach to, enlarge to a usable size and click. 4. Select the image and explode it. I find it useful to then 'group' it. 5. You can now re-size it, easily move it to its position and and rotate it to face the camera. If its a jpeg, it will have it's black mask visible....[not seen in the render]. 6. Try to set the sun so it's coming over your shoulder......this will give you a full shadow rather than a pencil line if it is hitting the image sideways. Stu
Registered:1169138928 Posts: 19
Posted 1210776191
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Creating file_clipmap.jpg I dont understand whre this file is coming from? Can someone please help here? Thanks
Registered:1169138928 Posts: 19
Posted 1210779048
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Never mind i found a good way of creation. Using PS, white over lay effect on the image layer with a black background layer.
Registered:1219783378 Posts: 68
Posted 1220299771
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me too..i cnt understnd how these files are being brought in and at what sequence..I am jus a biginner so u might need to expalin step for step..even the tutorials seem to assume a beginner know where 2 hit the render button..i dont know where it is..
Garden Master
Registered:1203570294 Posts: 488
Posted 1220304072
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There is a lot of info on clipmaps in the forum, try doing a search. However, it would seem that your first priority is to find the 'render' button....nothing much can happen until then. If you have a good look at the Podium window you should be able to see a button in the top left hand corner that says 'render'. This is the correct one to press.
Model Master
Registered:1226417261 Posts: 1,619
Posted 1232327175
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I did it Stu's way and worked a treat. Also when u have grouped the image, edit the group, make component, and then set the axes for a face me effect if you want that. Cant believe how easy this is!!
__________________ Oli