Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1178064808
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Current status: writing.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1185335315
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Current status: drawing.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1186389495
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The cover is done, and posted here on my LiveJournal if you want a peek. Off to draw the rest now.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1190699795
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Still sluggishly trying to get this moving, guys. I can only apologise - things just keep getting in the way and I've just had more work thrown at me. I am plugging away, though - and it will be out by the year's end.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1195453251
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Don't get excited - it's not good news. I can't put off posting this any longer though, since there's no light through the trees yet. No movement guys. I'm really sorry - work has just been mental and I haven't been able to get to Grit at all (nor am I in a position to turn any work down ATM, due to a change in Doug's and my circumstances. Long story, but if you want to blame something, blame television. The "making of", not the "watching of", I haven't turned on the TV all year). So, it's not looking good for ep 19 making it out by the year's end. More like sometime in the New Year, thanks to the forced hiatus. Again, I can only humbly apologise - this isn't the news I want to tell you, and I am positively dying to get to the drawing board with this ep. And I will as soon as I get some slack from my clients.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1199868806
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Still don't get excited - just letting you all know where I'm at. FINALLY finished the layouts, so it's pencils away. And as for pages, this ep is a monster at...*winces *...64 pages . New Years' Resolution - to not do this again. No more guesses from me as when this behemoth will be ready for release, as I'm constantly wrong, and can only take so many admissions of wrongness. I will, however, post preview panels up as I go and keep you all updated with what page I'm up to.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1208259622
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Well, after a teeth-grinding, PG hobbling pile of work since the start of the year I've finally completed all the things that have been preventing me from getting to episode 19. *weak cheer* With the exception, of course, of work that actually pays the rent and feeds my cat, I am going to be saying a definite "no" to anything else until this episode is done. So ...over the last week, movement has finally happened and I'm back into it and forging ahead. For those who enjoy a sneak peek, here's a teaser panel - (link! ). I'll be back with another teaser when I've knocked out another bunch of pages.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1211811722
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Another teaser panel , as promised. Not giving aaaanything away, nope, nup, nuh. Slowly moving forward through it all - 'bout a third of the way through.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1215232712
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Third teaser panel . Over the halfway-hump.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1222239999
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Hi guys. Fourth teaser panel here . Up to page 50. Doing my best, but things have been crazy with this month becoming completely mental. Hoping that next month settles down some so I can finally push it over to page 65.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1227845793
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Still alive, still crawling along. Only 6 more pages to draw of this 65 page nearly-killed-me-numerous-times behemoth. Here's the last preview pencil before I commence inking .
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1233053246
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...And the heavens part to the sound of angels singing as I finally get to type: Current Status: Inking.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1238251525
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Getting there, lovelies. Only 9 More pages to ink.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1238943369
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Inks finished. Current status: Scanning and toning.
__________________ Trudy Cooper
Registered:1102338779 Posts: 365
Posted 1239848149
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Sorry for the delay, guys. It seems the moment I get a step ahead, I get slammed with work. Ep 19 has been positively plagued by this. Next week should see an easing off and more free time for me to get this underway.
__________________ Trudy Cooper