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Sansui, and Beyond
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Category Posts Topics Last Post
Sansui - Tube Models
Sansui Tube Amps, Receivers, & Tube Transformers
319 82 AU70 output transformer wanted
by Marios
Sansui - Hi-Fi Models
Amps, Receivers, Tuners, Quads, Decks, Turntables, Equalizers, Speakers, etc.
1977 666 Sansui RZ 9500AV manual needed
by Ray
Sansui - Modified / High Ends
Models such as G-9000, AU-20000, AU-919, BA-5000, B/C-2301, Alpha Series
521 114 BA-F1 questions
by Dan
Sansui - General Topics
Sansui History, New Business, Dealers, Repair Shops, etc.
366 122 Sansui QRX 5500A does anyone know anything about this?
by Gerry Quinn
Sansui - Other Models
VCR/DVD/TV, Anything odd, something you don't know about, etc.
318 104 How to turn Off Closed Caption
by George Treat
Aqua Audio Lab
Organized by three ex-Sansui employees who designed and produced high-end models since 1970's
13 2 Aqua Audio Lab prototype/AU-Alpha907NRA descendent
by dane
Hashimoto Electric
A transformer Co. who still carries the old Sansui logo, makes high-end tube trans. including ones for the AU-111
17 6 Which Replacement output transformer is best?
by Forrest Edwards
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