Who are we? Where are we? What do we do? All the information you want and need and probably more than that!
4 6 Countdown to Spellmaker's 25th year anniversary! Ideas for celebrating? by MamboSam -
Success Stories!
Success Stories written by Spellmaker clients. See more testimonials by clicking here.
24 33 All the things - this is really long by Rubystarshine -
Your Experiences with us!
Clients post their experiences with the Spellmaker Family and Staff!
9 21 Thank you. by blennine -
Ask us a Question!
Please post any questions you have here about Spellmaker, Voodoo, New Orleans Witchcraft, etc. Please keep the questions general. We will do our best to answer you. IF your question is very personal, to protect your privacy, we will answer you directly, off of the forum.
16 38 What is a Met Tet? by SisterBridget -
New Product Announcements
Look here to find out our latest creations and offerings!
26 31 Spellmaker Monthly Voodoo Rituals! by SisterBridget -
Spellmaker.com Newsletters
back issues of Mambo's informative newsletter
45 51 Lughnasadh and Lammas: Understanding the Differences and Celebrating as a Voodooisant! by SisterBridget -
Working with the Vodou/Voodoo Spirits
Information, teaching, and rituals involving Les Lois (The spirits/saints of Vodou/Voodoo).
73 90 9 Facts you should know about Papa Alegba- by Khouzhan Morgan by SisterBridget -
Tell Us Your Lwa (Vodou Spirit) Stories
Did you have a wonderful lwa encounter? Do you feel a particular lwa has helped you? Tell us your lwa stories here!
11 13 Veves, Les Lois, and Movies by MamboSam -
Tips and Suggestions for Spellmaker Product Usage
Get tips and suggestions for different ways to use Spellmaker products.
35 47 Product Spotlight! Marie Laveau Clean Sweep House Blessing Kit by SisterBridget -
Spellmaker Staff Forum - Mambo Sam and Parran Matt
Spellmaker owners - Mambo Sam and Parran Matt. You may also view Mambo Sam's two blogs by clicking here and also here!
43 46 Wolf Moon 2025! by SisterBridget -
Spellmaker Staff Forum - Sister Bridget
This is the forum for Sister Bridget. You can read Sister B's blog by clicking here!
47 96 The Black Dog of Hogmany! by SisterBridget -
Spellmaker Staff - Brother Menfo's Forum
Advice and musings of our dear Brother Menfo. Ask him a question! View his blog by clicking here!
0 0 No posts -
Spellmaker Staff Forum - Caseworker Khouzhan Sierra
Caseworker extraordinaire, Khouzhan Sierra, is here to share her thoughts!
12 70 So glad to be back up and running! :-) by MamboSam -
Spellmaker Staff Forum - Sister Candelaria RIP
This is the forum for the late Sister Candelaria. Honor to her. You can see Sister C's blog at www.voodooboutique.typepad.com/candelaria.htm
8 22 Rest In Peace, Sister Candelaria by MamboSam -
Spellmaker Novitiates Forum
Novitiates speak about learning and also have a lot to teach! You can view the Spellmaker Novitiate Blog by clicking here!
2 2 Great post by Khouzhan Lucy! by MamboSam -
Working with Affirmations.
General information about working with positive affirmations.
18 42 Affirmations - are they so 10 minutes ago? ;-) by MamboSam -
Khouzhan Prayer Group
This is where Khouzhans will go to pray for those who have prayer requests. If you need to send in a prayer request, please see the page at www.spellmaker.com/prayer.htm
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Khouzhan Class Forum
This section is only for the first generation Khouzhans of the Family Fleurette-Beauchamp-Corfield to aid in their completion of class assignments.
Password Protected