CIty/Country Decatur, GA Comments: A lovely website. May Jessica continue to rest in peace.
CIty/Country Exton, PA USA Referred By course for teachers on bullying prevention Comments: Dearest Haffer Family, My heart aches for your loss and grief. I do hope it brings you some peace in knowing that your mission to have Jessii's story to bring about change, is being realized. Her story continues to be told. I learned about Jessii and what she endured from a course I am taking on Bullying Prevention and Intervention. Her story is inspiring change! Thank you for your bravery in keeping her story out there! Sincerely, Lise
Comments: Beautiful
CIty/Country New York City Comments: I am so sorry about your dear daughter. May blessings come your way.
CIty/Country Hard wick, MN Email Comments: I live on a farm by hardwick and we farm. I was working up a field in order to plant yesterday and came across a tag that was tied to a balloon. It was for Your daughters birthday - 10/2/2020. I am sorry for your loss. Your daughter was a very pretty young lady. Death seems so final but we can all be together again someday through Jesus. God bless you and your family.
CIty/Country Maryborough, Australia Comments: ❤️. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️. ❤️❤️ ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️❤️❤️. ❤️. ❤️ ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️ ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️. ❤️❤️❤️. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. ❤️❤️. ❤️❤️ 🌹 💐 🌹
Homepage CIty/Country Australia Referred By Angels Comments: ❤️🌈🌹.
Comments: Happy birthday Jessica. 31 already soon I will run out of balloons to release. Love dad
CIty/Country Lincoln, Nebraska Referred By Mother Haffer Comments: My little sister was an empath so pure and true. She once showed me a lofty level of the Native American saying, "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes." She left us too soon. I am Jessica's eldest brother. 28 years, 4 months and 1 day older. I have always heard the most amazing stories about my little sister who, aside from a short time in 1990, was growing up long after I was gone living my life. I, however, have never doubted the veracity of these stories, miracles really. The reason for no doubt is something I personally witnessed, or rather experienced. My youngest son, Nolan, was born 3 years, 1 month and 2 days after Jessie and they only met three times while Jessie was, as Mother Haffer says, "In her earth suit." The first was shortly after Nolan's birth. The next in the fall of 1993 when I drove him to South Dakota for a visit at Grandma's. And finally on Thanksgiving in 1994 at a family get together in Iowa. It was the second time, the time at her home when I witnessed in my little sister a transcendental example of empathy on a level which far surpassed anything I personally had even considered and I feel certain way beyond what many people consider. I now try my best, when my ego allows. This empathy was expressed in the form of vicarious enjoyment as told quite succinctly to me from the mouth of my little but far more spiritually advanced dear little sister. It astonished and touched me ever so deeply. It was the morning following our arrival. After breakfast I was changing Nolan's diaper in a ritual previously known well only by he and I. Not much of a ritual really, or so I thought because we did this each morning we were blessed to share together. It involved some tickling and blowing on the tummy (making fart like sounds) which inherently resulted in squeals of delight and bubbly laughter from my dear one year old (newly walking) son. The difference this time was our morning tickle ritual was being raptly observed by my four years old sister whose spirit she showed far surpassed mine in earthly and heavenly experience. There I was leaning over Nolan and menacing the tickle he never knew exactly when would begin resulting in eruptions in laughter and ending with his little hands holding my cheeks. It was the second, or perhaps third round when I noticed Jessie to my left, watching intently. Deep dark eyes seemed to hold a longing, but remember I rarely saw her so I didn't really know where the boundaries lay. This so unlike with my other younger brothers and sister with whom I grew up. So, I asked her, "Jessie, do you want me to tickle you to?" Her reply, spoken with a gentle authority coupled with exaltation and approval so astonished and impressed me I hope never to live so long as to forget. She said, "Oh no Russ. I am enjoying the love shared by you and your son." The world needs persons so spirited. They come, however, but maybe once or twice in a generation. Or, maybe, just maybe we are all so spirited but repress it. I like to think the latter because it speaks of amazing potential for us. To my friends and enemies alike I bid you Peace & Love. There is hope for us all if we but take a moment and judge not another man, or woman, until we have walked a mile in his or her shoes.
CIty/Country Sioux Falls, SD Comments: Jessica was truly a beautiful person in every sense of the word. She was an amazing friend. Miss her all the time and our talks that I could only have with her.
CIty/Country Australia Email Referred By Self Comments: A beautiful place for my heart to go, a place to sit and listen and share. Somewhere I’m not alone. Thank you. 🌹🌈🙏
CIty/Country united kingdom Email Referred By jeralyn Comments: it has been 8 years since i last popped in to say hi,my life has changed in so many ways,some good,some not so good,but always grateful,always. reading all the wonderful poems and writings again this time has a little more feeling for me as i have a grandaughter who also gets bullied from time to time,i worry so much ,but in my heart i know she will be ok,hope she will be ok,she is only 7 and such a joy in our little familys life,god bless you and your mum and dad,keep spreading little pieces of love and joy jessii
CIty/Country Garretson Referred By Self Comments: Jessica, I still miss you everyday. I know I didn’t know you very well but I will never forget the times we had at Girl Scouts. Your smile and laughter brought joy to us young ones. I know I followed you around a lot and probably bugged you a little bit but I always looked up to you. The day I found out crushed me.. and it still does. I never got the chance to know you even more. You are a beautiful soul Jessica and I hope you have found peace. I know it’s been over ten years but not a day goes by or a year that goes by that I think of you. Your friend Kayli
Comments: Very sorry for the loss of your beautiful and precious daughter.
CIty/Country Garretson SD USA Email Comments: Jessii, The world has changed so much since you last were here in your earthsuit. The one constant is Mom and Dad's love for you. As we approach your 28th birthday, I still have trouble coping without my coffee buddy. Where would you be at this stage of your life? Would you be safe,or take chances for humanity? I believe the latter, as that is who you were and are. I hope you and Sonata have ridden the planes with Gage and Midnight by your side. Love Dad.
Comments: A while back, my friend Mary and I visited your shop and I received a roll of quarters in honor of Jessica. I ran across it as I had saved it, and want you to know that I am thinking about your and Jessica today.
Homepage CIty/Country uk Comments: great
CIty/Country Milbank,SD USA Comments: Yesterday as I was driving to the farm,I saw in the distance something shiny in my soybean field.The wind was blowing and making it wave. I was wondering what can this be? As I got closer I could see it was a balloon,and it was caught on the soybean stalks. I walked into the field to retrieve it,and put it in my Jeep. I looked at the card briefly,and thought it was released at a birthday party. The balloon and card spent the day in my Jeep,as I harvested beans. On the way home last night, the balloon was in my rear view mirror, floating,not going to be ignored. I looked at the card closer and saw the website. You see, after harvesting,yesterday,I was sitting in the farmhouse, with my Dad,sister,and two nephews,planning the funeral for my brother who had passed away suddenly on Saturday night,10-1-16. Larry had a struggle in life,he was 62. In 2010 he had bypass surgery,and honestly he had very little good going on his life. I wondered then if he would have the strength or will to survive. He lived in Omaha,at that time. Two years ago,I helped him move to Ortonville, Mn, so he could be closer to family,and it turned out to be a good move,his attitude towards life,had changed from, just waiting to die,to looking forward to living a long time. On Sept.26th we had a birthday party for my Dad who turned 90. Several people who came to that party had not seen Larry in many years. He was excited to be buying a house,in Milbank,and had recently bought a bee hive,and was looking forward to a new hobby,of bee keeping and possibly having some honey to share with the family. All this changed Saturday night at 10:30. He went into cardiac arrest, and they were not able to save him. At a time when he was looking forward to life,life was gone. I know that this is nothing compared to the pain you have suffered from the loss of Jessica. All I know is, there was a reason this balloon decided to stop in my soybean field yesterday. I am sorry for your loss. Sincerely Bob Johnson |
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