Location: George South Africa
How did you find this website? Google
Comments: Hi there, my Daughter is almost 16 now. I found your page when I was pregnant with her so long ago.
We are very Lucky - Michelle is only mildly affected althoudh se would never "be older' than a 6-7 year old, She is a beautiful angel with so much love in her little body. I have read your site so many times.
Thank you for this site.
Love Helena

Location: NYC
How did you find this website? searching google.
Comments: I am a LCSW ( clinical social worker). I visited a home yesterday (10/20/2018) to conduct a screening for possible ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) the child has ACC. I am very interested in learning more about this disorder and ways I may be able to assist . There is many good information on this site. I will share with the child's parent . Thanks very much for your assistance. Grace

Location: Idaho
How did you find this website? Knowing Alex website
Comments: Hi, I love your site! My son has C-ACC. He is 25 years old and doing wonderful.With that said it has been a long hard fought for 25 years. When we found out about him having C-ACC it was Jan. 1993 and there was no web to search and MRI scans weren't widely used so the number of reported cases was so rare we had no data. Michael had many other health issues, learning issues and challenges and we dealt with them and this one as best we could. We relied on our GOD our family and some wonderful Dr.'s. Michael is doing very well and in college now (that has not been easy) and we have learned to love him support him and cherish all the accomplishments he has. We know how lonely and scary this road can be for parents as well as these kids and if anyone would like to talk or need support we are here for you, feel free to e.mail us @ sheriesabo@hotmail.com Thank you so much for you blog. Sherie

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
How did you find this website? internet search for absence of Corpus Callosum Info.
Comments: Loved reading your page. I have a 46 year old daughter, with absence of Corpus Callosum, so can relate to most of the stories. We currently have some legal issues, since she developmentally has been trying to be an independent adult, because state says she cannot be independent...so guardianship issues have evolved, but praying for a productive decision soon, to have her back under my care. Would love to hear from any ACC persons or their parents, and will respond to questions as best I can. I Just found this group, and have always wished for such a group, since daughter Jackie has been born. We always felt like a "lonely...only" out there, with no knowledge of others with like disorders. The doctors usually told us we were on our own when we had questions, but usually agreed to help us seek answers, with us giving input and particulars on any situation. Perhaps we can assist other younger persons on this same road.

Location: california
How did you find this website? online
Homepage: http://bit.ly/2yKCHog
Comments: Skin After Weight Loss As you do decrease that bodyweight and your epidermis starts to become decrease you needn't stress because execute out regarding how to enhance the decreasing of the

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Location: Texas
How did you find this website? Looked up ACC on the internet
Comments: I have a 13 year old daughter with C-ACC and now that we are in the teenage years, new challenges are developing. She is beautiful and has been learning about her differences. She tells people that she doesn't have a highway in her brain and that she has to take the back roads when learning new things. She says "I may not get there as fast as you but I'll get there"

Location: Zeigler, IL
How did you find this website? Pinterest
Comments: I have a 3 month old son named Kal. He has c-ACC and I'm doing my best to learn absolutely everything I can about it. Our journey is just beginning and I want to be able to provide him with the best care possible. Your site has been very informational.

How did you find this website? google
Comments: Hi my name is Laurie and I am studying to be a teachers aide.I hope to learn more about helping children with condition,

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Location: Laingsburg, South Africa
How did you find this website? google
Comments: Very helpful and very inspiring!!

Location: Plymouth Michigan
Comments: Marked private and dont want it private. I dont know how to edit! Hahaha. Please email me would lovd to gain friendships!

Location: 1600 N. Territorial Road #38
How did you find this website? google
Comments: My child was diagnoed with hydrocephalus atv24 weeks gestation? After his birth, an ultrasound was done by the high risk team to find a malformation. He was taken to a children's hospital to be diagnosed with complete ACC. He is now 14, but facing severe headaches.

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Location: New Zealand
How did you find this website? Web
Comments: My name is Lisa, and I have a beautiful 5 year old boy, who has complete agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (c-ACC), along with Asperger's type traits, and Haemophilia. He is my little Angel, but we have many challenges to keep his self esteem high and confidence high when the challenges are many in a state school. I guess I am seeking support from other parents out there who can help with telling me about resources to help educate my child given his uniqueness. Many thanks, I hope I can also share some wisdom about my experience with other parents of uniquely wonderful children.

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Location: Calgary
How did you find this website? Google
Comments: My son was 5 days old and the doctor found he is ACC during NICU by MRI scan in Canada.He stay NICU for 2 days and let us go home with isolated ACC. He was scheduled many appointments with pediatrician and neurologist. Me and my husband are very depressed and hopeless with this shocking news. I couldn't help tearing these days...
Thanks for you to create this website for lots of useful information! I am hoping to help him develop as an independent and be a nice guy in the future, although some developmental delays may occur.Easier said than done, a long way to go... Good luck and thank you to all! Bless...
Anyone could send me some helpful links and therapy information is very appreciated!

Location: Wichita,Ks
How did you find this website? google
Comments: Looking for others families and or some local groups to help us understand ACC, my son was diagnosis as a young child and is now 22, they are getting ready to do testing on him to see what mental age he is, they just did a inpatient seizure study on him and I seem to be getting no answers as to why my son has daily headaches and has so many intestinal issues, I need help and I recently met someone else that has a 9yr old daughter that has been diagnosis with ACC and is looking for help and answers. Thank you in advance

Location: staten island n.y
How did you find this website? google
Comments: Hello, i wrote earlier about my 10yr old daughter Bryanna. the page cut me off so i had to write a new one. Im sorry. I really want,to help my baby. I feel like i get the same response from every doctor, "she will be ok it is a normal disorder" I dont want to leave this alone. My daughter is such a smart loving child, i want to help her and make sure she will,continue to be okay. That she will grow up to be whatever she wants, and not have doors close in her face. My family thinks shes fine and i should leave it alone, but its easier said then done. Im the only one who sees my little girl struggling at,school everyday. Please if anyone can,help me. Thank you so,much. God bless our angels!!